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WWII Pacific Theater. Before the war… Japan seeks to expand territory: Why? Volcanic Island Running out of room Imperialist Better than everyone?

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Pacific Theater. Before the war… Japan seeks to expand territory: Why? Volcanic Island Running out of room Imperialist Better than everyone?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Pacific Theater

2 Before the war… Japan seeks to expand territory: Why? Volcanic Island Running out of room Imperialist Better than everyone?

3 Japanese Expansion Korea Manchuria Renamed Manchukuo Japanese push southward into China Natural resources Raw materials Slave labor

4 Japanese Expansion (cont’d) Threats to colonial British, French, US US response: Cut off sales of scrap iron and oil Japanese response: Stop any further actions by United States

5 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941 Combined Japanese attacks: Hawaii Philippines British Malaysia Japanese aircraft carrier group Attack US fleet at Pearl Harbor

6 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (cont’d) Failed to destroy US fleet Yamamoto feared conflict with US Over 2,000 dead 1,100 + wounded, including civilians US aircraft carriers out to sea USS Arizona

7 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (cont’d) Results of attack: Huge success for Japan Damage to US Navy’s Pacific Fleet took time to overcome limited American ability to strike back

8 Doolittle’s Raid Roosevelt wanted way to get back at Japanese Colonel Doolittle Launched 16 modified B-25s from aircraft carrier No return trip Bombed targets in Japan: Tokyo, Osaka, & more Some pilots killed or captured in China & Russia Aftermath: Not much damage, but increased morale in United States.

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