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TA Meetings ECE 445: Senior Design - 09/15/15. Overview  Meeting expectations  How to prepare  Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "TA Meetings ECE 445: Senior Design - 09/15/15. Overview  Meeting expectations  How to prepare  Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 TA Meetings ECE 445: Senior Design - 09/15/15

2 Overview  Meeting expectations  How to prepare  Evaluation

3 Setting up Weekly Meeting with Your TA  Course Website  PACE  My Schedule –Mark unavailability (Class is ONLY exception!)  TA will email you semester meeting time  TA will assign team locker and lab kit  Your TA is your project manager

4 Weekly Meetings  Starting the Week: This Week!  Meeting Location: Senior Design Lab  Purpose: Status Update on Your Project (0.5 hr) –Review Project Notebooks (TA will Sign) –Email Progress Reports to Your TA before Session Weekly Progress Report Form will be Emailed –General Questions  If you cannot make meeting time, let your TA know!

5 Evaluation Associated with TA Meetings  Teamwork Grade  Notebook Entries  Progress Reports

6 Teamwork (40 pts)  Involved in design, implementation, and debugging of project (15 pts)  Balanced participation in Design Review, Demo, and Presentation (5 pts)  Regularly made contact with TA (5 pts)  Professional conduct(5 pts)  Class Participation (5 pts)  Preparedness for Checkout(5 pts)

7 Project Notebooks (50 pts)  Physical Notebook (5 pts)  Dates (10 pts)  Design Options Considered(5 pts)  Design Decisions (10 pts)  Summaries of Work Sessions (10 pts)  Graphs/Figures/Diagrams/Equations (10 pts)

8 Progress Reports  Team Member Data –Past Deliverables (Not Research) Achieved –Actual Deliverables Achieved –Future Deliverables Promised –Notes  Did not complete task? –Attach memo from person responsible: explain why, plan to complete, impact on milestones/team members

9 Questions?

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