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By Callisto Gornowich Nursing Psychologist/Counselor Zoologist/ Zookeeper Career Research Project.

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1 By Callisto Gornowich Nursing Psychologist/Counselor Zoologist/ Zookeeper Career Research Project

2 A Nurse A nurses basic responsibilities can consist of many things depending on where they work. Some of the many jobs someone with a nursing degree can perform are: Intensive care; Where a nurse will help any emergency that comes into a hospital until a doctor arrives. They usually have hands on work and can be the difference between life and death for many. Mental health or psychiatric; These nurses will work in addiction clinics or mental wards to administer or help patients keep up with medication and also to be a support for doctors when needed. Oncology (Cancer); These nurses have intensive knowledge in their field and help those affected by monitoring health and physical condition as well as perform chemotherapy and other treatments.

3 10 characteristics It would be an important requirement of a nurse to want to help people who are hurt and be strong enough to keep calm in a life or death situation. And to also have a stomach of steel. As a nurse they will most likely have to give shots, do stitches, and other things that will make many peoples stomach cringe. I’m sure some nurses will also have to help a patient who has trouble using the restroom, work environment would be hectic and very rushed. And it’d most likely be stressful and overwhelming. Nurses would also schedule new appointments for patients and so they’d need office skills. Many nurses work hectic hours, late into the night and through the weekend. They would be called in at late hours in the night. But on the flip side there will always be a need for nurses and so you will always have a secure job.

4 10 characteristics part 2 To land a worth wild job in nursing you will have to have your bachelors degree in nursing, which is four years in college and you will most likely want to have a few years of hands on training through extra classes and opportunities. However a good position will bring in nearly 65,000 dollars a year, and so the few years in college and the extra training steps are very worth it. If in the U.S for some reason nursing jobs were to decrease locally, nationally there will always be an opening and a need for a nurse, because it demands a caring human hand and attention that people will always need and robots will never be able to replace.

5 A nurse lifestyle How I would like to live: (Minimum) (On average) A nurses life style and what I could have: 20,000 salary (10$ an hour) Working hours 40 a week and bring in at least 400$ I want to have a family. I want to live in an apartment, unless I have children. I want to have extra free time and spending money for my hobbies. 65,000 salary (30$ an hour) At 30$ an hour I would have to work 15 hours a week to make at least 500$ At hectic hours I would not have much time at home with my family. At the money I bring in I will be able to live in a comfy roomy home. I will most likely have extra money for my hobbies but they will also most likely be interrupted. Location: I want to stay in state,moving wouldn’t be a big deal however moving wouldn’t be necessary, there are many nearby hospitals. Career cluster: Health science

6 Therapist/counselor As a psychologist your responsibility will be to understand the human brain and why it does what it does as well as help others understand and help them solve problems. Some of the places they can work are: School counselor; this actually has a lot more than the basic needs of other therapists because you will also be doing a lot of office work and helping children with schedules as well as peer disputes. Child Psychologist; In this field you will need an expertise on the behavior of children and adolescents. They can provide activities for helping young children with the stress of divorce or moving, as well as play a large roll in child protection services and deciphering how a child feels in a situation. Substance abuse counselor; This may be a more stressful of a responsibility because sometimes you will be dealing with someone who is blind to their problem. Not only is it their job to help the patient with their addiction and coping skills, It’s also their job to rekindle any broken relationships between family and build up the patients support system.

7 Characteristics A psychologist in any field will have to have patience and retain a lot of knowledge about human behavior and how the brain works. College requirement to receive a therapist job in any local hospital is 4-7 years in graduate school. Experience is most likely not required because a lot of a therapists work is learned hands on and what you learned in school Is most important. Many angry and confused people would come to a therapist or social worker for help and so a psychologist will have to have good people skills and understanding. Mostly they work out of offices but jobs performed out in the field like social working or abuse counselors who hold public meetings will have to be out and about. However hours would be decided by the worker such as when to schedule appointments and when they're available. If you made a name for yourself and helped many I believe it would be a very rewarding job and the worker would be very respected.

8 . Many would consider the ability to technically work for themselves a benefit alone, however helping others is enough for them and the pay isn't bad either. Although it fluctuates greatly depending on what field you want to go into, there will always be a demand for someone who understands why and how we think the way we do and so you would never have to worry about the money you bring in going away.

9 A Psychologists’ lifestyle How I would like to live: (Minimum) (On average) A psychologists’ life style and what I could have: 20,000 salary (10$ an hour) Working hours 40 a week and bring in at least 400$ I want to have a family. I want to live in an apartment, unless I have children. I want to have extra free time and spending money for my hobbies. 70,000 a year (30$ an hour) Average 60 hours a week if at a busy facility I’d have time to spend with my family as well as the knowledge to take care of them. I would be able to afford a home with breathing room. I would decide when I have free time and create my own schedule. Location: I would not have to move unless I wanted a higher pay and more unique/exclusive job. Career cluster: Human services.

10 Zookeeper There are many different responsibilities for those who work in a zoo, such as General zookeeper; These are people who take care of the animals, feeding and bathing them and picking up after them. Veterinarian; When an animal is sick they can diagnose and treat it as well as keep up with basic health needs. They know the physical make up of an animal and can perform surgeries if necessary. Photographer; Most zoos have one and although this doesn’t actually require any knowledge about the animals it does help out in advertising as well as creating souvenirs for the gift shop.

11 Characteristics Zookeepers are people who have a huge heart for animals and a respect for the science behind them. They’d have to keep up with the responsibilities and care of the animals they're assigned. This would be considered the grooming of the animal, feeding and giving it medicine if necessary. As of school to perform your best you may want some basic knowledge of the animals you’ll be taking care of although it is not required.(unless you decide to be a veterinarian)And the hours will be pretty solid business hours so you wouldn’t have to worry about not having customers and or being called in the middle of the night, unless of course there is an emergency. In terms of job security you may be worried about people being bored with animals and the zoo not making enough money thus resulting in being laid off.

12 A zookeeper lifestyle How I would like to live: (Minimum) (On average) A zoo keeper life style and what I could have: 20,000 salary (10$ an hour) Working hours 40 a week and bring in at least 400$ I want to have a family. I want to live in an apartment, unless I have children. I want to have extra free time and spending money for my hobbies. Can make as little as 19,000 a year or 9$ an hour Or as much as 85,000 a year at 35$ an hour I believe the schedule would be flexible enough for me to have time with my family. If I get a high paying position at a good zoo I would have free time and extra cash. Location: You will have to base your living situation in distance of a local zoo or you will have to move if you want to work at a better and more popular zoo. Career cluster: Agriculture and natural resources

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