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Synchronicity II Introduction to Operating Systems: Module 6.

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1 Synchronicity II Introduction to Operating Systems: Module 6

2 Review u Synchronization  The problem of getting processes to work together  Poor synchronization can result in a race condition  Two people access the same bank account via ATM  The naïve solution to the bounded buffer problem u The critical section problem  Is an instance of synchronization  Formal criteria for a solution  Traditional: mutual exclusion, progress, bounded wait  Last time: 6 equivalent, less difficult criteria

3 Review u Solutions to the critical section problem (CSP)  Software  Petersen’s algorithm (2 processes)  Bakery algorithm (3 or more processes)  Hardware  Disable interrupts  Special instructions (can’t solve the problem alone)  OS primitives (introduced in this module)  Semaphores  Monitors

4 Software solutions to CSP u Some solutions are hard to program, debug  Bakery algorithm u Waiting processes are busy  Wastes CPU cycles  It would be better to block the process  Like waiting for I/O  Incurs overhead of a context switch  Not efficient for very short critical sections

5 Hardware solutions to CSP: disable interrupts u On a uniprocessor: mutual exclusion is preserved but efficiency of execution is degraded: while in CS, we cannot interleave execution with other processes that are in RS u On a multiprocessor: mutual exclusion is not achieved u Generally not an acceptable solution repeat disable interrupts critical section enable interrupts remainder section forever

6 Hardware solutions to CSP: Special machine instructions u Machine instructions can perform 2 actions atomically (indivisible) on the same memory location (ex: reading and testing) u The execution of such an instruction is mutually exclusive (even with multiple CPUs) u They can be used simply to provide mutual exclusion but need more complex algorithms for satisfying the requirements of the CSP

7 Synchronization Primitives u Semaphores u Monitors

8 Semaphores u A semaphore is an abstract data type u Semaphores can be implemented through  Busy wait  Blocking via system calls u Semaphores have a 2 method interface  Wait( )  Signal( ) Wait Signal Semaphore

9 Busy waiting semaphores u The simplest way to implement semaphores u Useful when critical sections last for a short time, or we have lots of CPUs u I is initialized to positive value (to allow someone in at the beginning) S.wait(){ while (I<=1); I--;} S.signal(){ I++;} I Semaphore Integer

10 Atomicity aspects u The testing and decrementing sequence in wait are atomic, but not the loop u Signal is atomic u No two processes can be allowed to execute atomic sections simultaneously u This can be implemented by other mechanisms, such as test-and-set S.wait: I <= 1 I - - atomic F T

11 Using semaphores for solving critical section problems u For n processes u Initialize I to 1 u Then only 1 process is allowed into CS (mutual exclusion) u To allow k processes into CS, we initialize I to k Process P i : repeat S.wait(); CS S.signal(); RS forever

12 Signal to a waiting process Process P i : repeat S.wait(); CS S.signal(); RS forever Process P j : repeat S.wait(); CS S.signal(); RS forever Semaphores: the global view Initialize I to 1

13 Semaphores synchronize processes u We have 2 processes: P1 and P2 u Statement S1 in P1 needs to be performed before statement S2 in P2 u Then define a semaphore “synch” u Initialize synch to 0 u Proper synchronization is achieved by having in P1: S1; synch.signal(); u And having in P2: synch.wait(); S2;

14 Semaphores: observations u When initial I>=0:  the number of processes that can execute S.wait() without being blocked = I  I processes can enter the “limited capacity” section u When I becomes >=0, which waiting process enters the critical section? FCFS?  Not specified  Implementation dependent

15 Avoiding busy wait in semaphores u To avoid busy waiting: when a process has to wait for a semaphore to become greater than 0, it will be put in a blocked queue of processes waiting for this to happen u Queues can be FIFO, priority, etc.: OS has control on the order processes enter CS u In practice, wait and signal become system calls to the OS (such as I/O), which contains the semaphore implementation u There is a queue for every semaphore just as there is a queue for each I/O unit

16 Semaphores without busy waiting class semaphore { private: int I; ProcessQueue queue; public: void signal(); void wait();} u When a process must wait for a semaphore S, it is blocked and put on the semaphore’s queue u The signal operation removes (by a fair policy like FIFO) one process from the queue and puts it in the list of ready processes S.wait() { S.I--; if (S.I<0) S. enqueue(p)} S.signal(){ I++; if (s.I<=0) S.dequeue();} Semaphore Queue -3 I

17 Semaphore’s operations (atomic) S.wait() {S.I--; if (S.I<0) { block this process place this process in S.queue }} S.signal(){S.I++; if (S.I<=0) { remove a process from S.queue place it on ready list }} The value to which S.count is initialized depends on the application

18 Semaphores: implementation u wait and signal themselves contain critical sections! How to implement them? u Note that they are very short critical sections u Solutions:  uniprocessor: disable interrupts during these operations (i.e.: for a very short period)  This does not work on a multiprocessor machine  multiprocessor: use some busy waiting scheme  Busy waiting shouldn’t last long

19 Binary semaphores u Similar to counting semaphores except that “count” is Boolean valued u Perhaps simpler to implement u Can do anything counting semaphores can do u Requires writing more code than counting semaphores: must use additional counting variables protected by binary semaphores

20 Binary semaphores waitB(S){ if (S.value = 1) S.value = 0; else { block(this) S.queue.add(this) } signalB(S){ if (S.queue is empty) S.value = 1; else { process =; readyQueue.add(process); }

21 Semaphores u Semaphores provide a structured tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and coordinate processes. u Avoid bus wait, but not completely. u If used correctly, avoid deadlock and starvation. u But if wait(S) and signal(S) are scattered among several processes it may be difficult to use them correctly u Usage must be correct in all processes u One bad (or malicious) process can fail the entire collection of processes, cause deadlock, starvation

22 Monitors u Are high-level language constructs that provide equivalent functionality to that of semaphores but are easier to control u Found in many concurrent programming languages  Concurrent Pascal, Modula-3, C++, Java… u Very appropriate for OO programming u However each language has own ‘dialect’

23 Monitor u Is a software module containing:  one or more procedures  an initialization sequence  local data variables u Characteristics:  local variables accessible only by monitor’s procedures  a process enters the monitor by invoking one of its procedures  only one process can be in the monitor at any given time

24 Monitor u The monitor ensures mutual exclusion: no need to program this constraint explicitly u Shared data within the monitor are protected  The monitor locks on process entry  Only one process can execute in the monitor at a time u Process synchronization is done by the programmer by using condition variables  represent conditions on which a process may wait for before executing in the monitor

25 Condition variables u are local to the monitor (accessible only within the monitor) u have ADT methods:  cwait(a): blocks execution of the calling process on condition variable a  process can resume execution only if another process executes csignal(a)  csignal(a): resume execution of some process blocked on condition variable a  If several such process exists: choose any one (fifo or priority)  If no such process exists: do nothing

26 Monitor u Awaiting processes are either in the entrance queue or in a condition queue u A process puts itself into condition queue c n by issuing cwait(c n ) u csignal(c n ) brings into the monitor 1 process in condition c n queue u Hence csignal(c n ) blocks the calling process and puts it in the urgent queue (unless csignal is the last operation of the monitor procedure)

27 Monitors for the bounded buffer u Monitor needs to hold the buffer:  buffer: array[0..k-1] of items; u needs two condition variables:  notfull: csignal(notFull) when buffer becomes not full  notempty: csignal(notEmpty) when the becomes not empty u needs buffer pointers and counts:  nextin: points to next slot to be filled  nextout: points to next item to be taken  count: holds the number of items in buffer  No race condition: monitor ensures mutual exclusion!

28 Monitor for the bounded P/C problem Monitor boundedbuffer{ items buffer[k]; int nextin=0, nextout=0, count=0; condition notfull, notempty; //buffer state void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ % k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ % k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;} }

29 Monitor u Monitors result in simpler, easier to read code, and provide synchronization via condition variables u They are not, however, able to do things semaphores cannot: they can be implemented with semaphores, and vice versa

30 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ | | | ] nextin=0 nextout=0 count=0 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty Running process

31 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | | | ]; nextin=0 nextout=0 count=0 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

32 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | | | ] nextin=1 nextout=0 count=0 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

33 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | | | ] nextin=1 nextout=0 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

34 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | | | ] nextin=1 nextout=0 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

35 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | | | ] nextin=1 nextout=0 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

36 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=1 nextout=0 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

37 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=0 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

38 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=0 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

39 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=0 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

40 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=0 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

41 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=0 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

42 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

43 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=1 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

44 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=1 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

45 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | | ] nextin=2 nextout=1 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

46 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | ] nextin=2 nextout=1 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

47 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | ] nextin=3 nextout=1 count=1 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

48 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | ] nextin=3 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

49 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | ] nextin=3 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

50 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | ] nextin=3 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

51 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=3 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

52 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=0 nextout=1 count=2 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

53 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=0 nextout=1 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

54 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=0 nextout=1 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

55 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=0 nextout=1 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

56 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=0 nextout=1 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

57 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=1 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

58 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=1 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

59 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=1 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

60 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=1 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

61 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=1 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

62 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

63 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=2 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

64 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=2 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

65 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=2 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

66 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=1 nextout=2 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

67 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

68 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

69 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

70 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

71 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

72 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

73 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

74 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

75 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=2 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

76 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=3 count=4 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

77 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=3 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty

78 Monitor example Monitor boundedbuffer{ buffer[ 5 | 6 | 3 | 4 ] nextin=2 nextout=3 count=3 k=4 void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ mod k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ mod k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;}} notfull notempty Who goes first?

79 u When a condition variable with a nonempty queue is signaled, which process executes in the monitor?  The signaled process: Hoare semantics  The signaling process: Mesa (Brinch-Hansen) semantics u If the signaled process does not immediately execute in the monitor, it is possible that the signaled condition could be come invalid  Using Mesa semantics the signaled process must recheck the condition, waiting on the associated condition variable if it is false

80 Hoare vs. Mesa semantics: usage Monitor boundedbuffer{ items buffer[k-1]; int nextin=0, nextout=0; int count=0; condition notfull, notempty; void append(item v){ if (count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ % k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; if (count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ % k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;} } Monitor boundedbuffer{ items buffer[k-1]; int nextin=0, nextout=0; int count=0; condition notfull, notempty; void append(item v){ while(count==k) cwait(notfull); buffer[nextin]= v; nextin++ % k; count++; csignal(notempty);} item take(){item v; while(count==0) cwait(notempty); v= buffer[nextout]; nextout++ % k; count--; csignal(notfull); return v;} }

81 Message passing u Processes (and threads) can communicate without synchronization  Shared memory u A message passing paradigm for communication requires synchronization  Send (destination, message)  What if the source has not yet called receive?  Receive(source, message)  What if no message was sent?

82 Blocking vs. non-blocking u After calling send, if no matching receive  The sender could block until the message is received  The sender could continue u After calling receive, if no matching send  The caller could block until a message is sent  Test function (Are there pending messages?)  Time out (Wait until message or X seconds have passed)  The caller could continue, with receive returning failure

83 Direct vs. Indirect u If the source/destination arguments are process identifiers, the system uses direct messaging u If the source/destination arguments are mailboxes, possibly shared by many processes, the system uses indirect messaging  Many senders, one receiver (client server)  Many receivers, many senders (topic subscription)  Who owns the mailbox?

84 Message passing as synchronization u Semaphores or monitors may be used to implement message passing u A message passing system can be used to implement monitors or semaphores u Message passing has the same synchronization power as semaphores and monitors

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