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CITRA PUTRI UTAMI (2201410114). Contents 1. What is second language acquisition? 2. What are the goals of SLA? 3. How do the Learners Acquiring L2? 4.

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Presentation on theme: "CITRA PUTRI UTAMI (2201410114). Contents 1. What is second language acquisition? 2. What are the goals of SLA? 3. How do the Learners Acquiring L2? 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 CITRA PUTRI UTAMI (2201410114)

2 Contents 1. What is second language acquisition? 2. What are the goals of SLA? 3. How do the Learners Acquiring L2? 4. Methodological Issues 5. Issues in the description of learner language. 6. Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition.

3 What is second language acquisition?  The definition in brief.  As the effect of globalisation and the development of technology.

4 The Definition of SLA Second means another or coming next after the first. Acquisition (acquire+tion) means the act of acquiring. Second language(L2) acquisition means acquiring or learning a language other than our mother tongue.

5  We have known that the world nowadays seems has no bounderies. People from another country come to Indonesia to take part on economic, education, or tourism businesses, and so the needing to learn English is increasing in order to be able to communicate also provides ourselves to have such skills to compete with them in many aspects.

6 All the people in around the world admit that computer and internet are the most valuable things in the world to help us extend our knowledge and ease our job. So, we need to learn L2 to get more information and knowledge about everything through the internet and operate the computer.

7 What are the goals of SLA?  To communicate  Be good in transactional purposes.  Obtaining the higher education (continuing the study in abroad) and position in a company (hold the partnership internationally).

8 How do the Learners Acquiring L2? There are two case studies: 1. A case study of an adult learner. 2. A case study of two child learners.

9 A case study of an adult learner  Wes was a native speaker of Japanese and he is a naturalistic learner- someone who learns the language at the same time to communicate in it.  Wes’s language development on grammar focus: All day I’m sitting table (v) So yesterday I didn’t painting (x)  Wes adapt fixed expressions conciously like: Hi, how’s it? So, what’s new? Whaddya want? I dunno why

10 A case study of two child learners  J was a ten-year-old Portuguese boy and R was an eleven-year-old boy from Pakistan.  The language development focus on the ability to perform request for services and goods in a classroom:  J needed a cut out of a big circle in a mathematics lesson, he said: Big Circle  R just pointed at a piece of card to let the teacher know that he wanted him to put staple in it, saying: Sir  Then they learn using imperative verbs like: Give me a paper and learn to use ‘Can I have____?’

11  The next stage of the development:  R wanted the teacher to give him a stapler, he said: Miss, I want.  J used ‘got’: You got a rubber?  From those examples of language used by the two learners, we can see that those learners tend to use direct request at first. However, the process of acquiring still giving a progress to those two learners in the next stage, that is, they start to use fixed expressions like ‘Can I have__?’ or ‘Have you__? to show the respect.

12 Methodological Issues  Wes knew about the using of progressive verb but he failed combining the progressive verb in a negative form.  From the examples of language used by the two learners (J and R), we can see that those learners tend to use direct request at first. However, the process of acquiring still giving a progress to those two learners in the next stage, that is, they start to use fixed expressions like ‘Can I have__?’ or ‘Have you__? to show the respect.

13 Issues in the description of learner language  Learners failed to use some grammatical features.  J and R made sociolinguistics errors when they performed requests.  The learners adapted using fix expressions to avoid the grammatical and sociolinguistics errors.  The learners acquire L2 sistematically and follow a particular development routes.

14 Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition  Learner must engage in both item learning and system learning. ‘Can I have___?’ Item learning ‘can’ is functioned to express ability, possibility, or permission system learning  The learners follow a particular developmental pattern because they think that this is the way they have to learn.  The learners are motivated to learn an L2 to satisfy their communicative needs.

15  It is important to teach child using English since at the very young age. So that the brain can process sistematically the language and save the memory of an L2 in the input.  However, there are the role of input: 1. Keep the two languages separate in the input will make it easier for the child to acquire each without influence from the other. 2. Children hears twelve hours of English a day and only two hours of Spanish, he will probably develop English much more quickly and completely than Spanish. 3. The child should receive roughly equal amounts of input in the two languages to achieve native proficiency in both.

16 Thank you

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