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Section 19.1 Mission Operations Steve Odendahl Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC ST5 PDR June.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 19.1 Mission Operations Steve Odendahl Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC ST5 PDR June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 19.1 Mission Operations Steve Odendahl Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001

2 GSFC 19.1-2 Agenda Mission Operations Support Launch & Early Orbit (L&EO) Operations Validation Phase (VP) Operations Mission Operations Issues

3 Mission Operations Support 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC ST5 PDR - June 19-20, 2001 19.1-3

4 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-4 Requirements Highest level requirements governing Mission Operations Support –The system shall support validation of NMP Selected technologies (MRD 10100000) Mission will be segmented into distinct phases to ensure S/C are ready to support technology validation, then execute technology validation –The S/C shall be designed for a 3 month mission duration (MDR 10502000) Mission phases and operations concepts designed within 3 month constraint –The GDS shall provide support capabilities for S/C scheduling activities and periodic maneuver planning (MRD10308011) Operations concepts include equipment, personnel, and procedures to plan and execute mission operations

5 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-5 Mission Operations Support The on-orbit mission is segmented into two phases, the L&EO phase and the Nominal Orbit VP The L&EO phase starts from launch vehicle assent, continues through launch vehicle separation and sun acquisition and ends after establishment of the nominal collective S/C constellation and individual S/C attitude (baseline 1 week duration) The VP starts after establishment of the initial orbital constellation and attitude and ends 3 months from launch. VPL&EO Launch 1 Week 12 Weeks

6 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-6 Mission Operations Support General Staff for Mission Operations Position Key Responsibilities Mission Director MOC Coordinator; Overall coordination with FOT, Subsystem & Technology Engineers FOT LeadCoordinate FOT activities; Back-up S/C Controller; Back-up to Mission Director S/C ControllersCommand and control of all three S/C; maintain voice loops and data distribution Ground System EngineersAssure ground system performance, ground station interfaces, NISN interface, data transfer Sys. Admin. & Msn Planners Perform activity modeling, activity planning, load generation, ground station scheduling; maintain IP connections, internet security, printers, personnel access security, etc System/Tech Validation LeadCoordinate subsystem verifications; verify deployments Perform orbit determination, orbit adjust maneuver planning & post maneuver analysis; generate & distribute mission planning products FOT Orbit Analyst Subsystem & Technology Engineers As appropriate: verify subsystem performance, validate NMP Technology performance, assist in activity planning; Supplemental support during L&EO, technology validation and contingencies

7 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-7 Mission Operations Support Mission Operations Training Philosophy –Same personnel and type of equipment for I&T and on-orbit operations Detailed S/C and ground system knowledge transfers completely from I&T to on-orbit operations Scripts and STOL procedures transfer from I&T to on-orbit operations with operational changes –Ground System testing and S/C I&T testing are geared toward on-orbit operations (“test as we fly”) –12 Operations Simulations are planned to train personnel for operations environment Simulations accomplished in parallel with environmental testing as much as possible

8 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-8 Mission Operations Support Operations Simulations

9 L&EO Operations 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC 19.1-9 ST5 PDR - June 19-20, 2001

10 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-10 L&EO Requirements –The S/C shall be inactive during ascent (MRD 10401010) –The S/C shall be powered-on upon separation from the deployment structure (MRD 10404020) Deployment sequence includes S/C power-up and sun acquisition –Final orbit shall have a perigee altitude > 185 km, and a geocentric apogee > 5 R e (MRD 10501000) Launch vehicle should get us close; maneuver sequences planned throughout L&EO phase to position S/C in final orbit with proper constellation geometry at apogee 1 2 3 100 to 1000 km ~200 to 2000 km

11 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-11 Launch Sequence of Activities Prelaunch TimeEventEPSACSCOMMC&DH/FSW S/C Configuration 1. EPS Enable Switch Open (All power off) 2. Battery fully charged L+00:00:00Lift Off L+00:04:04MECO L+00:04:22 L+00:04:32 L+00:13:30SECO 1 L+00:21:50Second Stage Restart L+00:26:29SECO 2 S+00:00:00ST5 S/C Separate (one at a time) 1. EPS Enable Switch Closed1. Transponder On (Receiver) 1. C&DH on 2. FSW Initializes S+00:00:31Sun Acquisition Start1. FSW starts Sun Acq. RTCS S+00:30:00Sun Acq. Complete S+hh:mm:ss1st Acquisition (Actual time will be different for each S/C to ensure only 1 trans- mitter on at a time) 1. Transmitter On (via Sun Acq. RTCS) 2. Verify S/C H&S 3. Transmitter Off (via ground cmd) Second Stage Ignition Fairing Jettison L+00:30:00Primary Payload Sep. (>L+01:00:00) 1. Power Safing Disabled 1. Power Safing Enabled 1. TCE Enabled 2. SAM Enable 3. Thruster fired (as necessary) 1. TCE Disabled 1. Sun Sensor On S+00:31:00 1. Deploy MAG Boom Structural

12 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-12 Phase Nominal 1-Week Timeline Mission Day Activities Separation thru Acq Day 1 (Launch) ACS Propulsion C&DH Power Deployables S/C Power Up - C&DH - Xponder (receive) Initialize FSW Sun Acquisition S/C 1 S-Band Antenna S/C 2 S-Band Antenna S/C 3 S-Band Antenna Ground Segment S/C 1 Orbit Adjust S/C 3 Orbit Adjusts S/C 2 Orbit Adjust (1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode as required for Sun Acquisition) Day 3Day 5Day 7 Detailed orbit & attitude Det. S/C H&S assessment All 3 S/C over 4 orbits  180  Precession Mnvr Perigee Raise Mnvr Precess to Final Att.  180  Precession Mnvr Perigee Raise Mnvr 90  + 90  Precession Mnvr Apogee Raise Mnvr (blind) Precess to Final Att. 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode  180  Precession Mnvr Perigee Raise Mnvr Precess to Final Att. Attitude Det. Orbit Det (4 orbits) Attitude Det. Orbit Det (4 orbits) Attitude Det. Orbit Det (4 orbits) Attitude Det. Indicates automatic initiationIndicates initiation via stored or ground command NOTE: Some maneuvers may be performed in the blind due to lack of ground station visibility Attitude Det. Comm S/C 1 S/C 2 S/C 3 1st Acquisition Transmitter On 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode MAG Boom Deployed prior to CCNT Checkout

13 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-13 Phase Sample Day (S/C 3 Maneuvers) Deploy + ACS Propulsion Ground Segment Indicates performed via ground commandIndicates initiation via stored command 5 / 08:00 - 16:00 5 / 16:00 - 24:006 / 00:00 - 08:00 MAG OnMAG Off Dump S/C Recorder Attitude Determination Maneuver Planning Load Maneuver ATCS Collect Attitude Data Maneuver Mode (180º Precession) 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode Maneuver Planning Attitude Determination & Thruster Calibration Dump S/C Recorder Load Maneuver ATCS Delta-V Mode @ D+5/18:03 (Perigee Raise) 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode MAG OnMAG Off Maneuver Mode (90º+ 90º Precession) 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode Dump S/C Recorder Attitude Determination & Thruster Calibration Maneuver Planning Load Maneuver ATCS Delta-V Mode @ D+5/23:19 (Apogee Raise - in the blind) 2 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode Maneuver Mode (90º Precession) 1/3 Hz Actuation Freq. Mode Dump S/C Recorder Attitude Determination MAG OnMAG Off Begin Orbit Determination (next 4 orbits) MAG OnMAG Off

14 VP Operations 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC 19.1-14 ST5 PDR - June 19-20, 2001

15 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-15 General Requirements Total science validation data shall not exceed 6 Mbytes of total solid state recorder space (MRD 20301000) –Modeling recorder management for mission planning –Ground contact needed once per orbit to playback the recorder The S/C shall be capable of storing commands, with associated time tags, for at least 16 orbits of operations (~7 days) (MRD 30502000) –Mission planning will take place on a weekly cycle

16 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-16 General Requirements The mission shall demonstrate concepts for autonomous constellation management and operations from the ground (MRD 30400000) –Automation implemented throughout the VP; SatTrack validation during the last week of the nominal mission (week 13) The Magnetometer will be enabled for attitude data collection for a minimum of 20 minutes per orbit at an altitude between 1 and 4 R e (GN&C derived requirement) –Planned as standard operation to verify S/C state-of-health

17 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-17 Full Mission Timeline CCNT CULPRiT Flex Cable Xponder Variable-E Coatings Thruster Tracking Inter-S/C Ranging Cross-Link Comm. 1234 567891012 Indicates initiation via stored command Cycled off as needed for power consideration Used routinely Checkout S a m p l e T i m e l i n e ( A c t u a l T i m e l i n e D e p e n d s o n R e c o r d e r & P o w e r A v a i l a b i l i t y ) 13 L&EO Phase Nominal On-Orbit Validation Phase System SatTrack Shadow Routine Operations Lights-Out Demo Lights-Out Dry-Run CCNT Checkout MAG Only Science Event Warn. (Each experiment performed once per orbit over several orbits) Minimum Mission Duration (~38% Margin) Average Eclipse S a m p l e T i m e l i n e ( A c t u a l T i m e l i n e D e p e n d s o n R e c o r d e r & P o w e r A v a i l a b i l i t y ) Long Range Message Latency Ground Link GPS Tracking Checkout Used routinely (Optimally once per orbit) Checkout Used routinely Close Range Comm Link Validation 37 min 39 min 41 min43 min45 min47 min49 min51 min53 min55 min57 min59 min Ops Week 11 61 min

18 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-18 NMP Technology Validation Requirements 1Flight validation of the Cold Gas Micro-Thruster shall be implemented through critical use during the initial sun acquisition sequence, for constellation maneuver sequences (MRD 10101010) –Used for planned L&EO phase maneuvers and throughout the mission to correct perigee perturbations to the S/C attitude. 2Flight validation of the CCNT shall be implemented as discrete demonstration events for each functional mode of operations (MRD 10102010) –CCNT checkout during L&EO phase. 4 “experiments” planned during VP; Validation runs scheduled where recorder and power are most available 3Flight validation of the CULPRiT shall be accomplished through continued use as a Reed-Solomon encoder in the downlink communications chain with the S/C (MRD 10103010) –CULPRiT checkout during L&EO phase; used routinely during VP

19 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-19 NMP Technology Validation Requirements 4Flight validation of the X-Band transponder shall be implemented through critical use in all aspects of the ST5 mission communications system (MRD 10104010) –1 to 2 validation runs (at end of mission) to check out all operational modes and configurations. Used routinely during all mission phases. 5Flight validation of the VAR-E technologies shall be accomplished as a demonstration of temperature control in a semi-contained experiment attached to the spacecraft (MRD 10105010) –VEC checkout during L&EO. Validation runs scheduled around eclipses and other power hungry operations. 6The primary validation of the flexible harness shall be accomplished through the use as solar array string backwiring on all panels throughout the duration of the mission. (MRD 10106010) –Continuously used as part of the power subsystem during all mission phases. No planning or scheduling required.

20 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-20 NMP Technology Validation Requirements 7Flight demonstration of the autonomous capabilities of the Autonomous Network Scheduling and Orbit Determination software shall be conducted for a nominal one week duration at the end of the mission, where the software will be completely in control of the orbit determination and ground contact scheduling activities for the ST5 constellation. (MRD 10108030) –SatTrack will shadow routine operations during weeks 2 through 11. Dry-Run full SatTrack capabilities during week 12. SatTrack manages constellation in “lights-out” mode during week 13.

21 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-21 VP Operations Some Mission Ops Activities are determined by Orbit Location 4 Re @ ~2:15 4 Re @ ~8:15 Apogee @ ~5:15 Perigee @ 0:00 & ~10:31 1 Re @ ~10:00 1 Re @ ~0:31 2 Re @ ~9:32 2 Re @ ~0:58 3 Re @ ~1:32 5 Re @ ~3:22 3 Re @ ~8:58 5 Re @ ~7:08 Attitude Data Collection Window Closes Attitude Data Collection Window Opens Attitude Data Collection Window Closes ~4:15 (1 hr before Apogee) ~6:15 (1 hr after Apogee) 5000 km @ ~0:25 5000 km @ ~10:06 Start Inter- S/C Ranging (Close Rng) Stop Inter- S/C Ranging (Close Rng) Cross-Link Comm. (20s duration) GPS Tracking Window Opens Ground Link Window Opens Ground Link Window Closes Ground Link Window Opens Ground Link Window Closes Shortest Eclipse (~36 min) Longest Eclipse (~60 min) GPS Tracking Window Closes Attitude Data Collection Window Opens

22 Risk Mitigation 5 Space Technology “Tomorrow’s Technology Today” GSFC ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 19.1-22

23 ST5 PDR June 19-20, 2001 GSFC 19.1-23 Risk Mitigation Risk: Operation complex due to following limitations –Power - All components must be turned off during eclipses except for the C&DH & Receiver. CCNT & Transmitter cannot be enabled in parallel with most other components and definitely not with each other –Recorder - Validation operations (especially CCNT & science ops) must consider available recorder space. Validation Runs & filter tables must be carefully selected to ensure data is not lost. Virtual Recorder-3 (VR3: Validation data) must be played back once per orbit. VR1 & VR2 (Housekeeping & Event data) have space for up to 2 orbits –Ground Station Coverage - Tight link margins and the S/C antenna pattern severely limit opportunities for ground contact, especially opportunities for recorder playbacks, ground commanding, and 2-way Doppler tracking Risk Mitigation: Reviewing IMAGE and MAP and other tools for implementation in ST5 Mission planning

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