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PROJECT BY.  To Monitor the Health conditions of the Soldier like heart beat and temperature  To track the location of the soldier i.e. Latitude and.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT BY.  To Monitor the Health conditions of the Soldier like heart beat and temperature  To track the location of the soldier i.e. Latitude and."— Presentation transcript:


2  To Monitor the Health conditions of the Soldier like heart beat and temperature  To track the location of the soldier i.e. Latitude and Longitude  To transmit the information regarding the soldier like the abnormality of his health, location, and danger condition of the soldier to a central location  To alert the local people surrounding the soldier regarding the health problems


4  HEART BEAT SENSOR: The normal value of the heartbeat rate is 50 to 100 pulses per minute if the heart beat rate goes below or above this normal value then it indicates that the health condition is poor. The heart beat rate can be sensed with the help of the heartbeat sensor which provides an analog output.  TEMPERATURE SENSOR: The temperature senor is used to provide the body temperature of the soldier, the output of the temperature sensor is an analog voltage  ADC(ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER) The analog voltage obtained from these sensor is converted into 8 bit digital value by the ADC and the digital output is applied as an input to the microcontroller

5  GSM(GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE) MODEM: The GSM MODEM is used to provide the information of the soldier like the heartbeat rate and the body temperature to a remote location The GSM MODEM is similar to a mobile which requires a SIM card for its operation but the advantage of GSM modem over mobile is that it has an serial connectivity that can be directly connected to the Microcontroller for sending the AT commands for sending SMS  GPS(GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) MODEM The location of the soldier can be tracked with the help of a GPS MODEM. The GPS modem receives the signals from the satellite And calculates the Latitude and Longitude of the location and sends it to the output in the form of the serial data

6  MICROCONTROLLER The microcontroller continuously monitors the signals from the sensors And if any abnormality like the heartbeat increased or decreased or the body temperature rises then the information obtained from these sensors and the location information obtained from the GPS modem is sent as the message to a central location with the help of a GSM modem It is an 8 bit microcontroller that has 8051 architecture The input output ports of the microcontroller are used for connecting the digital data from the ADC and the LCD The serial port of the microcontroller is connected to the GSM and GPS modem  LCD AND ALARM UNIT The LCD displays the heartbeat rate and the temperature The alarm unit normally a buzzer is used to alert the local people

7 1)Heart Beat Sensor  The Heart Beat sensor provides a simple way to study the heart’s function.  This sensor monitors the flow of blood through the finger.  As the heart forces blood through the blood vessels in the finger, the amount of blood in the Finger changes with time.  The sensor shines a light lobe (small High bright LED) through the finger and measures the light that is transmitted to the LDR.  The signal obtained from the LDR is amplified by the amplifier and filtered and provided to the ADC

8 2) Temperature Sensor  The Temperature can be detected with the help of a temperature sensor LM35.  The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature.  The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±1 ⁄ 4°C at room temperature and ±3 ⁄ 4°C over a full − 55 to +150°C temperature range.  The LM35’s low output impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration make interfacing to readout or control circuitry especially easy.

9 3) ADC (ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER)  In this project we use ADC 0808 for converting the analog signals from the Temperature sensor and the Heart beat sensor into a digital signals which is Then applied to the microcontroller  The ADC 0808 has a 8 different analog input channelsand provides a 8 bit digital output only two of the analog input channels in this project are used, these channels can be selected by using the address bits AD0-AD2  The step size is decided based on set reference value.  The ADC needs some specific control signals for its operations like start conversion and bring data to output pins.  When the conversion is complete the EOC pins goes low to indicate the end of conversion and data ready to be picked up.

10 3) FEATURES OF P89V51RD2  80C51 Central Processing Unit  5 V Operating voltage from 0 to 40 MHz  64 KB of on-chip Flash program memory with ISP (In-System Programming) and IAP (In-Application Programming)  1KB of data RAM  Supports 12-clock (default) or 6-clock mode selection via software or ISP  SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and enhanced UART  PCA (Programmable Counter Array) with PWM and Capture/Compare functions  Four 8-bit I/O ports with three high-current Port 1 pins (16 mA each)  Three 16-bit timers/counters  Programmable Watchdog timer (WDT)  Eight interrupt sources with four priority levels  TTL- and CMOS-compatible logic levels

11 5) GSM MODEM (SIM 300) The GSM unit contains a GSM module along with a GSM transmitter antenna. The module functions according to its built and the antenna transmits the information to the Base Station wherein this is exposed to further processing. The GSM module that we are using in this unit is the SIMCOM SIM300 module. It works on frequencies EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS1900 MHz. SIM300 provide RF antenna interface with two alternatives: antenna connector and antenna pad SMS is one of the unique features of GSM compared to older analog systems. For point-to-point SMS, a message can be sent to another subscriber to the service, and an acknowledgment of receipt is sent to the sender. SMS is effective because it can transmit short messages within 3 to 5s via the GSM network and doesn’t occupy a telephony channel.

12 We use AT commands to control and program the SIMCOM SIM300 module. The main AT commands for using SMS are listed below. A/ Re-issues last AT command given ATD Mobile originated call to dialable number ATH Disconnect existing connection AT+CSCA Set the SMS center address. Mobile- originated messages are transmitted through this service center. AT+CMGS Send SMS command AT+CMGF Select format for incoming and outgoing messages: zero for PDU mode, one for Text mode. AT+CMGR Read SMS Command

13 6) GPS MODEM (MR87) The GPS unit contains a GPS module along with a GPS receiver antenna. The module functions according to its built and the antenna receives the information from the GPS satellite in NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) format. This data is then sent to the microcontroller wherein it is decoded to the required format and sent further. GPS ANTENNA: The AGA Series GPS antenna is a standard product for the GPS system. The circular polarization improves reception ability. The built-in low noise amplifier with very low DC power consumption enhances an already high performance patch array.

14 GPS MODULE: GPS module MR87 is a high sensitivity ULTRA LOW power consumption cost efficient, compact size. The GPS module receiver will track up to 16 satellites at a time while providing fast time-to-first-fix and 1Hz navigation updates. Its superior capability meets the sensitivity & accuracy requirements of car navigation as well as other location-based applications, such as AVL system. Handheld navigator, PDA, pocket PC, or any battery operated navigation system. The module communicates with application system via RS232 (TTL level) with NMEA0183 protocol.

15 7) LCD AND ALARM UNIT The output section consists of the LCD Display which is a 16character X 2line display used to display the heart beat rate and the Temperature The LCD Display mainly consists of two RAM Display Data RAM (DDRAM) The DDRAM is used to store the data that is to be displayed on the LCD Character Generator RAM (CGRAM)-User defined character RAM The CGRAM is used to store the characters other than alphabets and numbers It is mainly used for storing the custom characters like music symbols etc. ALARM UNIT The alarm unit is nothing but the PIEZO buzzer that is energised during an Abnormal conditions to alert the local people

16 The tracking of the soldier is possible from the remote location The health conditions of the soldier can be closely monitored from the remote location Using a heart rate monitor is an ideal method of assessing one’s cardiovascular condition. The use of the GPS modem provides the location from any part of the world The use of the GSM modem increases the range of the communication The abnormality of the health is also alerted to the local people The provision of informing the danger condition to the remote location through Message is also provided

17 This system can provide more safety to the soldiers by adding breath sensor and a pressure sensor. By using this sensors base station can monitor the physical status of soldiers. They can be given medical instructions to soldiers to overcome those problems. We can add a graphical display section to this project which help to display a digital map which shows the position of all soldiers in the unit as they are surround a block of buildings and launch their attacks.

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