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SOCIAL MEDIA Vaisali Patel VIP Intern, 2014. What is Social Media?  Media = Instrument of communication  The radio  The newspaper  Social Media =

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA Vaisali Patel VIP Intern, 2014. What is Social Media?  Media = Instrument of communication  The radio  The newspaper  Social Media ="— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL MEDIA Vaisali Patel VIP Intern, 2014

2 What is Social Media?  Media = Instrument of communication  The radio  The newspaper  Social Media = Social instrument of communication  Social Media is the future of communication:  Numerous internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information Ahlqvist, Toni; Bäck, A.; Halonen, M.; Heinonen), S (2008. Social media road maps exploring the futures triggered by social media.VTT Tiedotteita – Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (2454): 13.

3 What is Social Media?  The new and faster form of media allows for quick transfers of:  Photos  Audios  Videos  Texts  General information

4 Social Media vs. Social Networking  Social Media: Media content that you upload  blog, video, slideshow, podcast, newsletter or an eBook.  Social Networking: All about engagement  creating relationships, communicating with your readers, building your following and connecting with your online audience. vs-social-ne_b_4017305.html

5 Examples of Social Media and Social Networking

6 Donut

7 Social Sites and Humans  As of January 2014, 74% of online adults use social networking sites.

8 Social Site Breakdown  As of January 2014:  19% of adults use  As of September 2013:  71% of online adults use  17% use  21% use  22% use

9 Social Site Breakdown

10 Cell Phones

11 Overview of the SNSs  Twitter  Micro-blogging is a form of blogging that allows users to send brief text updates to a Web site that aggregates these messages for viewing by friends or the public. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messages, mobile Web sites, audio formats, or the Web site hosting the micro-blog. While several micro-blogging sites exist, CDC currently participates only in Twitter.  Twitter is an online micro-blogging and social networking Web site that is used to provide information, commentary and descriptions of events and highlight certain audio or video content. Twitter users send updates, or "tweets," that are 140 characters or less in length. Individual users can "follow" another users' updates.  Facebook  Social networking sites are online communities where people can interact with friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and others with similar interests. Most social networking sites are Web-based and provide many ways for their users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file-sharing, blogging and discussion groups. Popular social networking sites such as Facebook are being used daily by millions of people and are becoming a part of everyday online activities. Social networking sites provide an immediate and personal way to deliver programs, products and information to individuals or friends within your personal network.

12 #  Using a # followed by a word or unspaced phrase allows social networking sites to group such messages together.  If promoted by enough individuals, the hashtag can "trend" and attract more individual users to discussion using that particular hashtag.  Hashtags are also used informally to express context around a given message, with no intent to actually categorize the message for later searching, sharing, or other reasons.  The theme/thesis Gabriel Snyder (Oct 15, 2009). Anarchy in the machine: Welcome to Gawker’s open forum.

13 Top Hashtags  1) #love#love  646,604,942  2) #instagood#instagood  294,108,897  3) #me#me  278,381,415  4) #tbt#tbt  249,163,933  5) #follow#follow  242,289,700  6) #cute#cute  240,621,512  7) #photooftheday#photooftheday  222,929,230  8) #followme#followme  222,504,769  9) #tagsforlikes#tagsforlikes  206,436,365  10) #happy#happy  203,738,998

14 How to Create an Account  Facebook

15 How to Create and Account  Twitter

16 Social Networking and the CDC  Overview:  “Social networking sites provide an immediate and personal way to deliver programs, products and information to individuals or friends within your personal network.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (26 March, 2014). Social Networking. Retrieved from

17 Social Networking and the CDC

18 Examples: CDC on Facebook

19 Examples: CDC on Twitter

20 More Examples  Google+  Pinterest  Blogs

21 Example of Current Campaign

22 Why #? #VaccinesWork#StopHIVTogether

23 Organizations and SNSs FacebookTwitter

24 Popular Vaccine-Related Memes

25 Public Health and the use of SNSs  Social media tools are allowing public health officials to reach out fast and directly to the public on everything from salmonella-related food recalls to disease outbreaks and weather emergencies.  By combining traditional outreach methods with social media outreach, public health officials are able to give people the opportunity to get important information.

26 Public Health and the use of SNSs  Specific examples:  Sari Setiogi, a communications officer at the WHO After the Japan earthquake in 2011, there was a wide misconception on consuming large quantities of iodized wound cleaner and iodized table salt to reduce the effects of radiation (rather than potassium iodine tablets taken before exposure). Setiogi tweeted asking people not to eat excessive amounts of table salt because it leads to hypertension, and within a few of days, people went back to the stores and asked for refunds for the salt. People were retweeting the message and the number of messages telling people to buy the salt went down.  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Raised awareness for the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) organization The organization raised over $100 million with 3 million people’s donation Viral: nationally and internationally

27 Pros and Cons  Inexpensive and quick platform for campaigns  Important tool to share information  “In a meeting or conference, tweets can reach the people in the front of the room, the back of the room and people who are not even in the room. You can comment on events in real time, even if you are not physically attending. It changes our sense of whose voices are being heard” (WHO, 2011).  Links large groups of people with common interest/concern  People who are surveyed state they would make changes to health behaviors based on information received via CDC twitter accounts.  Time consuming  Can backfire  Messages can be distorted when retweeted Messages must be accurate, timely, and reliable  Takes time to see impact on health ProsCons Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (2011). Mixed uptake of social media among public health specialists. Received from

28 Challenge: Making Public Health Go Viral  In Canada, the ImagineNation Public Health Social Media Challenge seeks to inspire public health organizations in Canada to use social media initiatives in creative and innovative ways to improve public health.  Because they believe: Social media tools provide powerful new ways for public health organizations to interact with their community. They have the potential to improve reach, increase engagement, and provide tailored experiences for particular individuals and communities.  Up to $73,000 in awards are available to Public Health Social Media Challenge teams

29 SNSs and CDPH  To increase the HPV vaccinations rate, the CDPH can partner with an organization (such as the California Immunization Coalition) to promote the importance of the HPV vaccine.

30 Possible Hashtags  27,000 people get cancer caused by HPV every year. HPV Vaccine can protect males and females against common types of HPV. #PreteenVaccineWeek15  Did you know that more throat and mouth cancers are caused by HPV than smoking? Vaccinate your 11-12 year olds TODAY. #PreteenVaccineWeek15  More than 50% of people will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Protect your preteen with the HPV vaccine. #PreteenVaccineWeek15

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