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North Mymms St Mary’s Sotto Project January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "North Mymms St Mary’s Sotto Project January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Mymms St Mary’s Sotto Project January 2016

2 We are the school council and we have been taking part in the Sotto project. This means that we have tried to make our school more energy efficient.

3 We carried out a secret survey to find out if energy was being wasted in our school. We found out that lots of electrical things were being left on at lunchtime and lights were being left on when nobody was in the class. We asked the rest of the school for ideas about how we could save energy. We had a suggestion box and a school assembly about this.

4 Action plans!




8 We made lots of posters and also made mascots to have in school to remind us of our energy campaign. We had great fun making them.



11 We made 2 films to show the school about ways to save energy.


13 We have had a fantastic time over the last couple of months and we hope that our school is now being more energy efficient. When we carried out our second lot of surveys we noticed that lights were being turned off at lunchtimes and appliance were being put into standby. Hopefully we will carrying on making changes!

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