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Impact of the New Deal on US Society FDR greatly increased the power of the executive branch of gov’t The federal gov’t became more involved in people’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of the New Deal on US Society FDR greatly increased the power of the executive branch of gov’t The federal gov’t became more involved in people’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of the New Deal on US Society FDR greatly increased the power of the executive branch of gov’t The federal gov’t became more involved in people’s lives Interest groups gained power The gov’t guaranteed most citizens minimum economic standards The New Deal helped ensure that democratic-capitalism survived in America.


3 Canada in the 1920s During the 1920s Canada’s industrial base increased and the US replaced Britain as Canada’s # 1 trading partner The One Big Union (OBU) was similar to the IWW in the US. The failure of the 1919 Winnipeg strike hurt union membership during the 1920s.

4 Canada in the 1920s cont. Farmers demanded a New National Policy –Reduction of tariffs –Reduced property taxes –Higher income and profit taxes –Public ownership of railroads and utilities –The referendum and the initiative –Social Security –The abolishment of the Senate Farmers formed the Progressive Party to try and attain their goals. The party disappeared by the end of the decade.

5 Canada in the 1920s cont. After WWI Britain allowed Canada to have control of its armed forces. With the 1923 US-Canadian Halibut Treaty Canada gained control of its foreign policy. The US and Canada exchanged ambassadors in 1927.

6 Canada during the Great Depression Canada’s economy underwent a severe decline during the Great Depression. Unemployment may have reached more than 50%. Between 1928 and 1933 per capita income declined by 48% ($471 to $247) Prime Minister R.B. Bennett’s conservative government did not believe in public assistance. In 1935 Bennett changed his policies and Parliament enacted unemployment insurance, minimum wages and a maximum work week. The Supreme Court later declared most of the legislation unconstitutional. Bennett’s reforms were too little too late and in 1935 Mackenzie King of the Liberal Party became PM.

7 Canada during the Great Depression cont. Beginning in 1938, the King government did attempt to stimulate the economy but it was WWII that ended the Great Depression in Canada. Although minor reforms were made during the Depression, there was no “Canadian New Deal” to alleviate the hardships of the economic crisis.

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