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2006 GEORGE R. WIGGANS Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350,

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Presentation on theme: "2006 GEORGE R. WIGGANS Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 GEORGE R. WIGGANS Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350, USA Update on Current AIPL Research

2 Update on Current AIPL Research (2) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Senior research staff

3 Update on Current AIPL Research (3) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Proposal to include crossbreds ●Include all breeds in a single evaluation ●Report evaluations on individual breed bases ●Could start in November 2006

4 Update on Current AIPL Research (4) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Reasons to include crossbreds ●Indication of a bull’s value when used for a dam of different breed ●Increased reliability of bull evaluation with addition of crossbred daughters ●Producer expectations that crossbreds improve fertility and longevity

5 Update on Current AIPL Research (5) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Revised productive life ●DIM > 305 credited –Differential weighting by DIM gives some advantage to cows that calve more often ●Heritability reduced from 8.5 to 8% ●Influence of fertility on productive life reduced ●Female fertility is adequately reported in evaluations for daughter pregnancy rate ●Implementation planned for August 2006 along with revised net merit index

6 Update on Current AIPL Research (6) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Productive life credits 2 0 3451 Years 20 140 40 60 80 100 120 0 Credit (%) 321

7 Update on Current AIPL Research (7) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Productive life credits – 2006 2 0 3451 Years 20 140 40 60 80 100 120 0 Credit (%) 321

8 Update on Current AIPL Research (8) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Evaluating male fertility ●Calculation of ERCR to be transferred from DRMS to AIPL in May ●Data from DRMS, AgSource, and Minnesota ●Model and data sources same as for current ERCR ●Continued research on possible improvements

9 Update on Current AIPL Research (9) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Evaluation for stillbirth ●Stillbirth – born dead or died within 48 hours ●Reported for about half of calving-ease records ●AI organizations pay to support data collection and analysis of calving ease ●Evaluation and reporting similar to calving ease ●To be included in net merit index ●Implementation planned for August 2006

10 Update on Current AIPL Research (10) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Abnormal distribution of calving-ease scores ●Scored 1 (no problem) to 5 (extreme difficulty) ●Most common score expected to be 1 ●Bulls with large changes usually have abnormal distributions ●Scores combined with 1 if score 2 or 3 most common ●Additional herd-years excluded if distribution is unlikely

11 Update on Current AIPL Research (11) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Evaluation for milking speed ●Brown Swiss provided milking-speed data scored 1 (slowest) to 8 (fastest) starting in 2004 ●Heritability of 22% ●Implementation planned for May 2006 ●Some AI organizations may provide data for other breeds

12 Update on Current AIPL Research (12) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Low-cost parentage verification ●New DNA test (SNP) may make parentage validation cheap enough to be widespread ●Develop a database and adapt software to check parentage and suggest alternatives for invalid IDs ●Determine rate of parentage errors in a sample of herds

13 Update on Current AIPL Research (13) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Health data ●Add evaluations for more fitness traits ●Evaluations for disease resistance could assist in prediction of productive life ●Common codes for health events based on research data have been developed ●Owners to retain control over access to and use of health data

14 Update on Current AIPL Research (14) G. R. Wiggans 2006 Summary ●New traits –Stillbirth –Milking speed –Bull fertility (transferred from DRMS) ●Changes to evaluations –All-breed evaluation –Variable credits by DIM for productive life ●Investigation of use of DNA for parentage verification

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