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Muscles to know: locations and functions Mr. Abercrombie A&P.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscles to know: locations and functions Mr. Abercrombie A&P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles to know: locations and functions Mr. Abercrombie A&P

2 Muscles of facial expression Kissing muscle Pouting muscle epicranius

3 Surprise! It’s epicranius time!

4 Tyrone Biggums confused and contracting his frontalis

5 Zygomaticus makes me smile

6 Muscles of mastication (chewing)

7 Sternocleidomastoid: it’s a real head turner

8 Muscles that move the pectoral girdle

9 Why should I care about the trapezius?

10 Muscles that move the arm

11 Biceps brachii vs. triceps brachii Look at figure 9.30 on page 317 Can you see the two “heads” of the biceps and three “heads” of the triceps?

12 Muscles that move the hand and arm

13 Note all of the extensors found on posterior forearm. Why is that?

14 Supination vs. Pronation Supination Pronation

15 Muscles that move the abdominal wall

16 Muscles of the pelvic outlet

17 Whoopsy! Be careful with those squats, fellas.

18 Muscles that move the thigh

19 Muscles that move the leg

20 Muscles that move the foot

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