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EuropeAid Financing Instrument for Development Cooperation (DCI) Thematic Programme “Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” Markus Pirchner.

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Presentation on theme: "EuropeAid Financing Instrument for Development Cooperation (DCI) Thematic Programme “Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” Markus Pirchner."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuropeAid Financing Instrument for Development Cooperation (DCI) Thematic Programme “Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” Markus Pirchner EuropeAid / Unit F1 Dar es Salaam, 14 July 2009 Regional Seminar: Thematic Instruments and Programmes: Reinforcing the Civil Society

2 EuropeAid EU Financing Mechanisms

3 EuropeAid Non State Actors and Local Authorities Art. 14 DCI Successor of NGO co-financing & Decentralized Cooperation 903 m € for 2007-2010 217,4 m € in 2009 NSA & LA eligible - at least 85% of the programme’s fund reserved to NSA Global coverage

4 EuropeAid Non State Actors & Local Authorities (NSA & LA): Main Objective Objective 1: Inclusive and empowered society a. In-country operations: 82 targeted countries b. Global, multi-country and regional operations Objective 2: Public awareness and education for development in Europe Gastos de apoyo Support measures 18 m € (2%) Objective 3 18 m € (2%) Objective 2 126 m € (14%) Objective 1 741 m € (82%) Objective 3: More efficient cooperation between CSOs’ and LAs’ networks 2007-2010

5 EuropeAid 2007-2010 indicative financial allocation by region Other 26 m € (4%) Mediterranean 26 m € (4%) Latin America 156 m € (21%) Asia 170 m € (23%) ACP 363 m € (48%)

6 EuropeAid


8 NSA / LA programme in this region 1/7 Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania, in slides 1-7 …. Swaziland: 2008: 750.000€ foreseen for NSA included in call 127762. Evaluation of proposals ongoing. Discussion: your participation in this call?

9 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 2/7 Uganda: participated already in 2007 2008 and 2009: each 2,5 M€ for NSA EuropeAid/128089/L/ACT/UG, closed 20/04/2009, restricted call 2008 call: specific objectives: social services participation in decision making of marginalised group in selected districts through education and vocational training services Discussion: your experience with this call

10 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 3/7 Zambia: participated already in 2007 2008 and 2009: each 2,25 M€ for NSA and 0,75M€ for LA EuropeAid/128032/L/ACT/ZM, Closed « 30/04/2009 open call, one stage Objectives: Empowerment of local communities, Institutional development of NSAs Discussion: your participation in this call

11 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 4/7 Kenya 1/2: 2008 and 2009: each 3,5 M€ for NSAs and 2009 0,5M€ for LA EuropeAid/128187/L/ACT/KE, Open Call, Closed 25/05/2009 Lot 1 - Social Sector: empower non-state actors to address regional and social disparities through poverty reduction initiatives targeting populations and geographic areas that are out of reach of development mainstream and excluded from policy-making processes. Components: Health care, Vocational Training, Income Generating Activities

12 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 5/7 Kenya 2/2: Lot 2 – Governance: improve democratic and economic governance through reinforcing the demand side of government accountability Components: Justice, Human Rights, Public Finance Integrity and Anti Corruption Discussion: how is your participation in this programme? Lesotho: 2009: 0,3 M€ for NSAs Discussion: absorptive capacity of CSOs

13 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 6/7 Malawi: DEL confirmed that sufficient funds for NSA capacity building financed from EDF plus NICE, plus included in FIDP, plus large food security programme. Potentially CFP in future. Namibia: For 2009, 0,5M€ foreseen for each LA and NSAs

14 EuropeAid NSA / LA programme in this region 7/7 Zimbabwe: participated already in 2007 2008: 1,7M€ (NSA) and 0,3M€ (LA), EuropeAid/128031/L/ACT/ZW, restricted, closed 27/04/2009 EuropeAid/126727/L/ACT/ZW, open, closed « 4/08/2008 health & education sector, promote community participation in service delivery, self reliance and income generating 2009: 1,9M€ (NSA) and 0,4M€ (LA), Discussion: how is your participation in this programme? South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania: other instruments or sources of funding.

15 EuropeAid Calls for Proposals: where to find info? services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1224846858672&do=publi.welcom e&userlanguage=en

16 EuropeAid Questions? Comments, Opinions, Discussion Many thanks!

17 EuropeAid Thank you for your attention! Markus PIRCHNER European Commission – EuropeAid Co-operation Office, AIDCO/F/1 Unit "Relations with civil society and coordination" E-mail: Website: society/index_en.htm society/index_en.htm

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