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WPn Technical presentation Consortium Meeting Würzburg, 3 rd May 2012 1.

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1 WPn Technical presentation Consortium Meeting Würzburg, 3 rd May 2012 1

2 NANOPOWER GANTT per Work Package 2

3 Status and future work 3 Second reporting period: M13-M24 Months: M19-M21 WPn: Modelling activities (UNIPG,UNICAM, UNIGE, UNI WUE). This WP deals with… The following Tasks have been active during this period: Task n.n: Non-equilibrium fluctuations at the nanoscale (resp. UNICAM) Task n.n: Digital simulation tools: nonlinear differential stoc. eq. (resp. UNIPG) - Consortium Meeting - Würzburg, 3 May 2012 Please describe here an overview on work progress and achievements for this WP, including any differences between work expected to be carried out and that actually carried.

4 4 Task n.n: Non-equilibrium fluctuations at the nanoscale (UNICAM, UNIGE, UNIPG). This Task deals with… Activities developed in this period: 1) … 2) … 3) … Project objectives for the past period Please complete this slide and the next one for each task in this WP. Feel free to add any useful information. 2nd rep. period: M13-M24 Months: M19-M21 - Consortium Meeting - Würzburg, 3 May 2012

5 5 Task n.1: Non-equilibrium fluctuations at the nanoscale (resp: UNICAM, partners: UNIGE, UNIPG). 1) … 2) … 3) … Project objectives for the next period Activities planned for the next period (M22-M24): Milestone MSxx at M24: … Deliverable Dn.n at M24: … Please indicate if your activity is on-time in relation to next deliverables and milestones related to this WP. 2nd rep. period: M13-M24 Months: M19-M21 - Consortium Meeting - Würzburg, 3 May 2012

6 6 Deliverables and Milestones for the period D7.3NANOPOWER digital newsletterUNIPGPU36 Del. N°Deliverable Title Lead benefi- ciary Dissemi- nation Level Delivery Date in Annex I D1.3Numerical simulation tools for ratchet-like potentialsUNIPGPU18 D4.3Report on design of a prototype vibration harvester generator VTTRE18 D5.2Report on design of a phonon storage systemICNRE18 D1.4Vibration sources databaseUNIPGPU24 D2.3Report on heat rectification in nano scale systemsUNICAMRE24 D2.4Report on theory of quantum harvestersUNIGERE24 D3.3Report on design for integration of power generation, voltage rectification, energy storage UNI WUERE24 D5.3Report on design of a prototype heat rectification energy generator ICNRE24 D6.2Report on design of a prototype based on current generation from radiation absorption UNI WUERE24 D7.5Summer schoolUNIPGPU24 Milestone N°Milestone nameLead benefi- ciary Delivery Date in Annex I MS21Efficiency quantifier for the definition of a working efficiency parameter for nanodevices UNICAM 18 MS33Energy generator integrationUNI WUE 24 MS41Prototype nanoscale vibration energy harvester with output of 1 W VTT 24 MS61Prototype based on current generation from radiation absorption UNIGE 24 MS62Prototype based on mesoscopic Coulomb dragUNIGE 24

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