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Logic modeling. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” said the Cat.

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Presentation on theme: "Logic modeling. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” said the Cat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logic modeling

2 “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” said the Cat. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

3 Models  “… draw upon a number of theories to help understand a specific problem in a particular setting or context.” (Glanz, Rimer, & Lewis, pp. 27)

4 Planning Models Like a road map Present all possible routes you might take to develop, implement, and evaluate a program.

5 Planning Models PRECEDE/PROCEED MATCH CDCynergy


7 MATCH (Multilevel Approach To Community Health) Developed in late 1980s Used by U.S. Government Applied when behavioral & environmental risk & protective factors for disease / injury are known & general priorities determined Includes ecological planning – levels of influence

8 MATCH Figure 4.16: MATCH: Multilevel Approach To Community Health (Pearson Ed, 2012)

9 CDCynergy Developed by the Office of Communication at the CDC in 1997 First issued in 1998 Developed initially for public health professionals at CDC with responsibilities for health communication Developed for health communication but can be used with all health promotion planning Available on CD-ROM; many versions (Pearson Ed, 2012)

10 P 1: Describe Problem (identify & define) P 2: Analyze Problem (causes, goals, intervention strategies P 3: Plan Intervention (Is communication dominant or supportive?) P 4: Develop Intervention P 5: Plan Evaluation P 6: Implement Plan CDCynergy (Pearson Ed, 2012)

11 Generalized Model for Program Planning (GMPP) Figure 4.18: Generalized Model for Program Planning (Pearson Ed, 2012)

12 Logic Models Provides a picture of how your program works Gives logical chain of connections showing what your program will accomplish A series of “if-then” relationships

13 Logic Model Components Situation Influential factors Assumptions Resources/Inputs Outputs: Activities + Participation Outcomes/Impact



16 Situation What is the present problem?

17 Influential Factors What factors may impact the program? Within the person Environment

18 Assumptions Client is honest in providing information Client will make a good faith effort to change practices or habits

19 Resources / Inputs What is invested to the program: Staff expertise, time, money/funding, materials, equipment, partners

20 Outputs (activities + participation) Activities: what is done (events or actions) Workshops, meetings, counseling, training, assessments, curriculum development

21 Outputs (activities + participation) Participation Who the program reaches: Participants, customers, citizens

22 Outcomes / Impact Program objectives Short-term (learning) Medium-term (actions) Long-term (conditions)

23 Short-term outcomes Learning (KAB) Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Motivations

24 Medium-term outcomes Actions Behavior Practice Decisions Policies Social actions

25 Long-term outcome Conditions Social Economic Civic Environmental

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