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Test 2 Marine. Describe the ocean to a visitor from another planet. Include some things about its size and extent, and its general influence on the drier,

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Presentation on theme: "Test 2 Marine. Describe the ocean to a visitor from another planet. Include some things about its size and extent, and its general influence on the drier,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test 2 Marine

2 Describe the ocean to a visitor from another planet. Include some things about its size and extent, and its general influence on the drier, higher parts of the Earth.

3 What scientific disciplines are encompassed by marine science? Describe a few of the concerns of each major division of marine science.

4 Argue for or against: Captain James Cook was the first Oceanographer.

5 In what direction does the future of marine science lie? How and where do you expect history to be made in the future?

6 Why was the Challenger expedition considered to be so important to ocean science?

7 The origins of marine science lie in voyaging, discuss 5 explorations or people that explores and explain why they are important to marine science.

8 Who is Matthew Maury? Why was he considered the first oceanographer by some?

9 What was the mystery that ancient mariners had to explain about the Mediterranean? How was it finally solved?

10 Why do we say there is one world ocean? What about the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans?

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