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Word Study in Practice What does it look like?. Sorts “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” Are the heart of Word Study because.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Study in Practice What does it look like?. Sorts “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” Are the heart of Word Study because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Study in Practice What does it look like?

2 Sorts “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” Are the heart of Word Study because we naturally categorize information in our brain. Children are able to make their own discoveries and form generalizations about how the English language works. AVOID STATING RULES Do not depend on rote memorization More practice & exposure than a traditional phonics program

3 Sorting by Sound Picture Sorts Word Sorts Blind Sorts

4 Sorting by Pattern Word sorts Writing Sorts

5 Sorting by Meaning Concept Sorts Spelling-Meaning Sorts (homophones) Country City

6 Suggestions Have students color code the back of the sorts Make sorts easier or harder by increasing/decreasing the number of contrasts Use oddballs when applicable Deal with mistakes through questioning & review. Too many mistakes may indicate a student needs to step back

7 Manipulations use letter tiles white boards remind students to NOT erase the whole word, but to add/erase 1 or 2 letters

8 Before Jumping in... introduce your students to basic sorting procedures Set up a weekly schedule and build predictable routines Let parents know about Word Study Keep teacher led introductory lessons short (15 minutes) Plan time for students to sort independently & with partners

9 Fitting Word Study in... Word Study Block All students work on WS at the same time. All are working on the same activity, just with different words Integrated into Reading block Students work on Word Study Activities throughout Circle-Seat-Center

10 During Circle-Seat-Center CircleSeatCenter introduce sorts speed sorts manipulations writing sorts Blind Sort cut sorts draw & label word hunts ABC order Speciality activities* creating lists Word Study games concept sorts word hunts buddy sorts buddy writing sorts

11 Regardless of what you choose to do... Have a weekly routine where students know and understand procedures and your expectations

12 Sample Routines MondayTuesdayWed.ThursdayFriday intro sortbuddy sortword huntassessmentCopy new list copy words & sort writing sort rainbow writing speed sortassessment closed sortdraw & labelWordleword huntGAME In Class

13 Ten Principles of Word Study Look for what the students “use but confuse” A step back is a step forward Use words students can read Compare words “that do” and words “that don’t” Sort by sound then by pattern

14 Principles continued... Begin with obvious contrasts first Don’t hide exceptions Avoid rules Work for automaticity Return to meaningful text

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