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Human Impact. Invasive Species Non-Native Species enter an ecosystem Invasive Species, Alien Species, Non- Native Species are all the same. Globalization.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact. Invasive Species Non-Native Species enter an ecosystem Invasive Species, Alien Species, Non- Native Species are all the same. Globalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact

2 Invasive Species

3 Non-Native Species enter an ecosystem Invasive Species, Alien Species, Non- Native Species are all the same. Globalization has allowed species to get into new ecosystems. Pets and Hitchhikers. Compete with native species and WIN! Makes native species endangered or extinct.

4 Acid Rain

5 Deadly Acid Rain Chemicals like Sulfates and Nitrates enter the atmosphere from factory smoke and car exhaust. The pollution mixes with rain in clouds and lowers the pH of the water. The resulting acid rain burns trees, pollutes rivers and lakes killing fish and whole ecosystems.

6 Global Warming

7 Climate Change via

8 Green House Gasses Include Carbon Dioxide Water Vapor Methane

9 Climate Change = Global Warming Polar Ice melts, drowning coastal areas. Average global temperature rises = HOT! Ecosystems shift north. Loss of Biodiversity. Rain patterns shift = New deserts!

10 How do we stop it? Reduce combustion of fossil fuels. Drive less cars. No Coal, Oil, or Natural gas power plants. Reduce your personal electricity consumption. Recycle manufactured materials. Write your congressman, Protest!

11 Ozone Layer Hole

12 CFC eat the Ozone Layer The ozone layer protects us from cancer causing UV rays. Chloro-floro-hydrocarbons are released from refrigerants (refrigerators, car ACs, home Acs, and arosol cans) Laws banning CFCs in the 1990s has helped to restore some of the ozone hole.

13 Deforestation

14 Deforestation is poor land use. Cut trees down for lumber, agriculture, and human settlements. Destroys habitat for organisms, creates extinct species. Removes CO 2 absorbing trees that stop global warming. No plants to hold soil = soil erosion.

15 Bioaccumulation or Biomagnification

16 Poisons get into the environment Toxins - harmful chemicals that my get passed from one energy level to the next as they move up the food chain, DDT, lead, mercury Pesticide - a chemical used to kill agricultural pests, mainly insects Causes Bioaccumulation (Biomagnification) - increasing concentration of a harmful substance in organisms at higher trophic levels in a food chain or food web

17 Bioaccumulation (Biomagnification) 30 900 30


19 trophic level producers primary consumers secondary consumers tertiary consumers top carnivore organism phytoplanktonzooplanktonsmall fishlarge fishraptor total organisms caught 20 Total pollutants in caught by the organism pollution average math ____ ÷ 20 = 2____ ÷ 5 = ____ ___ ÷ ___ = ___ average amount of pollution in the population 2

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