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Golden Apple Award 2015-16.

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1 Golden Apple Award

2 Sponsored Through the generosity and kindness of the Jack and Rhodora Donahue Family Foundation of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Golden Apple Award has been established to honor outstanding individuals who devote their lives to teaching in Catholic schools. This awards program has been expanded from the Diocese of Pittsburgh to include the Diocese of Toledo. The school year marks the eleventh consecutive year that this prestigious award has been presented in the Diocese of Toledo.

3 The Award Given to seven (7) elementary school teachers and two (2) secondary teachers each year. The award consists of: Cash award of $5,000 Certificate of Achievement Golden Apple with 24 carat gold cross Golden Apple lapel pin Individual Photo with the Bishop Group photo with the other awardees and the Bishop Video of the Golden Apple Award winners Awards are presented at a banquet on May 19th at the Hilton Garden Inn, Perrysburg, Ohio.

4 Requirements The candidate must be Practicing Catholic
Full time teacher with minimum 3 years experience in the school at which they are currently teaching A teacher, student or parent must nominate the applicant (If student nominates a teacher in an elementary school, it must be done with a parent.) Valid license or certification, both diocesan and state

5 Timeline 2016 January 19 Nomination forms are made available on the Google Drive and Google Classroom and posted in the Principals’ Bulletin. February 12 Nomination forms due to principals. February 19th Teacher nomination forms forwarded to at the Catholic Schools Office to begin the application process online. Teachers will be sent an invitation to join the Golden Apple Google Classroom to complete the application process. March 14: Application form and essay completed by the nominated teacher in the Golden Apple 2016 Google Classroom. April Winners notified and announcements made in the Catholic Chronicle and local media. Videotaping sessions in teacher classrooms and at Rosary Cathedral scheduled. May 19 Golden Apple Awards Banquet at the Hilton Garden Inn, Perrysburg

6 Step 1: Nominations Link for the nomination form in Principals’ Bulletin on January 19th Post form in your . . . Newsletter Church bulletin Website

7 Step 2: Local step Principal collects the nomination forms and nomination letters and forwards all candidates to the Catholic Schools Office in care of Peggy Riehl at

8 Step 3: Applications Applications are completed in Google Classroom and are due on Monday, March 14th. Applications include: Nomination form and letter ed to Online application at Golden Apple Google Classroom Pastor or President’s letter of support Principal’s letter of support Copy of Ohio licensure or certification Copy of Cathechetical Certificate (if religion teacher)

9 Step 4: Final Selection Applications are reviewed by a committee and final selection is made. Candidates will be notified and announcements made.

10 Step 5: Videotaping In April,
90 second draft of Credo statement edited in Google Docs with Peggy Riehl in Golden Apple Google Classroom Dates are arranged for videographer to visit classrooms to videotape Awardees meet at Rosary Cathedral for videotaping session

11 Step 5: Celebration May 19 Golden Apple Awards Banquet
Hilton Garden Inn, Perrysburg

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