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Egg Baby 11-12 months. EGG Baby Growth and Development Age 11-12 Months Physical- Firsts and Milestones Stands alone and may walk alone * shows a hand.

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Presentation on theme: "Egg Baby 11-12 months. EGG Baby Growth and Development Age 11-12 Months Physical- Firsts and Milestones Stands alone and may walk alone * shows a hand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egg Baby 11-12 months

2 EGG Baby Growth and Development Age 11-12 Months Physical- Firsts and Milestones Stands alone and may walk alone * shows a hand preference Holds and drinks from a cup Fit blocks (nesting) inside one another Pick up objects with thumb and forefinger

3 Egg Baby 11-12 Months Intellectual- Firsts and Milestones Knows body parts Likes to play games *look at pictures books

4 Egg baby 11-12 Months Social- Firsts and Milestones Happy and friendly Still likes to be center of attention More tolerate of strangers

5 Egg baby 11-12 Months Emotional- Firsts and Milestones Loves affection, likes being touched *sensitive to emotions of others

6 Egg Baby 11-12 Months Sleep –Generally a long night sleep 11 ½ hours –Still needs daily naps but decreasing sleep over all by about 3 hours more day time activity Food –A variety of baby foods and many simple foods from the family table –3 meals a day, yogurt and puddings

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