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Aim: What nutrients does our body need? Do Now: Write the Dietary Guidelines your group made on Monday on the board.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What nutrients does our body need? Do Now: Write the Dietary Guidelines your group made on Monday on the board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What nutrients does our body need? Do Now: Write the Dietary Guidelines your group made on Monday on the board.

2 USDA Dietary Guidelines Balance calorie intake Maintain a healthy body weight Keep physically active Eat the right foods in the right amounts If in doubt, toss it out Adults who use alcohol should use it only in moderation

3 Carbohydrates The body’s first source of energy. Two types of carbohydrates: Complex Simple Fiber- an indigestible carb. necessary to regulate the body. Found in stringy veggies, or food with edible skins.

4 Fats The body’s second source for energy The different fats (mono, poly) have to do with the amount of hydrogen Fat is needed for protection. Found in meat and diary products (sat. fat) Found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils (unsat. fat)

5 Protein Body’s last source of energy Made up of 20 amino acids, only 11 can be produced in the body. The remaining 9 are known as essential amino acids. Needed for cell growth Especially pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.

6 Vitamins Compounds that help regulate body processes Found in fruits and vegetables Deficiencies can causes health problems Scurvy, beriberi, and rickets In US can cause poor regulation of internal process and lack of energy

7 Minerals Needed for growth and maintenance of the body. Iron deficiency- anemia Calcium deficiency- brittle bones Too much phosphate (carbonation) can weaken bones

8 Water 50-75% of body weight Assists in respiration and digestion Too little can affect all of the body’s systems 8 glasses a day is recomm. to replace the quart a day that is lost.

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