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 We have 3 pegs(1, 2, 3)!the purpose is moving n disks from peg 1 to peg 3 with help of peg 2!  At no time, a larger disk should’nt be placed above.

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Presentation on theme: " We have 3 pegs(1, 2, 3)!the purpose is moving n disks from peg 1 to peg 3 with help of peg 2!  At no time, a larger disk should’nt be placed above."— Presentation transcript:


2  We have 3 pegs(1, 2, 3)!the purpose is moving n disks from peg 1 to peg 3 with help of peg 2!  At no time, a larger disk should’nt be placed above a smaller disk!:D  Write a program to solve this problem.Use a recursive function with 4 parameters:  The number of disks to be moved  The peg on which these disks are initially placed  The peg to which this stack of disk is to be moved  The peg to be used as a temp holding area

3 1312321321231313123213212313

4 a) Move n-1 disks from peg 1 to peg 2, using peg 3 as a temp holding area. b) Move the last disk(the largest) from peg 1 to peg 3. c) Move the n-1 disks from peg 2 to peg 3, using peg 1 as a temp holding area. Now the world is over!:D

5 #include using namespace std; int mystery(int a, int b); int main(){ int a, b; cout<<"Enter 2 numbers!:"<<endl; cin>>a>>b; cout<<"The result is : "<<mystery(a, b)<<endl; return 0; } int mystery(int a, int b){ if(b == 1) return a; return a + mystery(a, b -1); }

6  Can main() be called recursively in your system?!  Take a static variable and increment it!  Then call main() at main()!  What happened?  Think til next session!;) int count; /* count is global */

7  Please write your names, Std # and emails in a sheet for me.pleas some one accept this task  Feel free ask/suggest anything you want!  Please put “C++ Course::” in the begging of your subjects.  My Emails again:  

8 Thanks!

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