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Imperialism and Empire - Africa  1880  Most of Africa consisted of independent states  Europeans controlled 10% of Africa  1884 - Berlin Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism and Empire - Africa  1880  Most of Africa consisted of independent states  Europeans controlled 10% of Africa  1884 - Berlin Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism and Empire - Africa  1880  Most of Africa consisted of independent states  Europeans controlled 10% of Africa  1884 - Berlin Conference  By 1914  With the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia, all of Africa was controlled by Europeans

2 Berlin Conference (1884-1885): Effects  Established the "rules" for conquest of Africa  Sought to prevent conflict over imperialism  Conference coincided with Germany's rise as an imperial power  Agreed to stop slavery and slave trade in Africa  Russia left the conference with little despite defeating the Turks  Informally created new alliance system

3 Berlin Conference : Effects  Rumania, Serbia and Montenegro become independent states  Austrian acquisition of Bosnia and Herzegovina  Transfer of Cyprus to Great Britain

4 Berlin Conference: European Empires Expanding  Germany  took control of Cameroon, Togo, southwest Africa, & East Africa  France  Controlled Tunisia, Algeria, French West Africa (including Morocco, Sahara, Sudan, Congo basin)  Italy  Controlled Libya  Great Britain  Egypt & Sudan  Battle of Omdurman (1898)  General Horatio H. Kitchener defeated Sudanese tribesman and killed 11,000 (use of machine gun) while only 28 Britons died


6 Egypt  protectorate of Great Britain (1883 -1956)  model for the "new imperialism"  Egypt's inability to satisfy foreign investors led to control of its finances by France & Britain  Safeguarding the Suez Canal (completed in 1869) played a key role in the British occupation of Egypt and its bloody conquest of the Sudan


8 South Africa and the Boer War (1899-1902)  Diamonds & gold were discovered  Region controlled by Boers (descendents of Dutch settlers)  Massive British force eventually defeated Boers (1910)  The Transvaal, Orange Free State, Cape Colony, & Natal combined to form the Union of South Africa.

9 Nationalis Nationalism Causes:  Enlightenment  Napoleonic Wars  Common language/religion  Urbanization  Rise of Science Events:  1870 – Italian Unification  Count Camillo di Cavour challenged Austria  1871 – German Unification  Prussian Otto von Bismarck  “blood & iron”  1890s – Zionist Movement

10 New Political Ideas  Results of Nationalism  Growth of Nation-states/ empires

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