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What is Pinterest? Referred to as an online scrapbook. The mom and housewife neighborhood of the Internet?

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2 What is Pinterest?


4 Referred to as an online scrapbook. The mom and housewife neighborhood of the Internet?

5 Pinterest Launched in March 2010 Number of users: 70 million 80 percent are women

6 Just women? Example Another one

7 Board of Man Mission: “add a few extra Y chromosomes to Pinterest. Etsy promos and recipes be darned.” 230,000 followers


9 Why should media be there?

10 Why? 70 million users – and growing.

11 Status as media company Pinterest is "building foundations to monetize" its service this year, Chief Executive Ben Silbermann told The Wall Street Journal last month.

12 Where it’s going? Rich pins suggested that Pinterest was starting to think about monetization. Rich pins Places pins suggested that they are hoping to break into the travel market. Places pins

13 Where is it going? Search layout suggests Pinterest wants to be thought of as a search engine – leaning heavily on the interest graph. Adwords type platform or online-based advertising?

14 First steps Study how people in the community are using Pinterest before begin pinning. Create boards that fit your content and audience.

15 First steps Share content besides your own. Like any social network, only sharing your own content is a social networking faux pas, and it smells of a desperate attempt to get clicks instead of a genuine attempt to be a part of the community.– Rob QuigRob Quig PROVIDE VALUE! Chicago Tribune Wall Street Journal

16 How to use to distribute news?

17 To distribute news Promote work – Front pages – new and historical – Top stories – Breaking news – mobile shots/videos

18 How to distribute features?

19 How to use for reporting?

20 Find ideas for trend stories. Use the Popular button to find trending pins or search for top pins by topic.Popular

21 Source of expertise A Pinterest board on how journalists should use Pinterest.Pinterest board

22 How to use to engage audience?

23 Engage audience? Invite readers to share – PBS NewsHour PBS NewsHour – CTV News CTV News

24 Other journalism uses?

25 Other uses Photojournalism portfolio. Photojournalists could advertise their prints and sell them to the public. Arrange shots by category via boards, add a price banner to any photo and link to the website where prints can be purchased. price banner

26 As a photo archive Find pictures suitable for online stories. Once you find a fitting image for your story, perform a reverse Google image search to find the original source and link/attribute from there.reverse Google image search

27 Other uses San Jose Mercury News

28 Other uses Use it as an online storyboard. If you're doing web-based research for an upcoming story, pin useful items to a board dedicated to the topic. If you're collaborating with another journalist, you can share pinning access by adding a contributor to your board.

29 Other uses Branding. Show off your expertise and your resume. resume

30 Ideas for the DN How can the DN take advantage of Pinterest, which it currently does not use? Come up with specific examples of the following: – For distribution of its work – For engagement – For reporting

31 Your assignment Create a board on Pinterest that deals with journalism and/or social media. Pin three items to it. You will include those in your social media portfolio part 2.

32 Other curating services More for articles than photos

33 Curation services Mindy McAdams

34 Other newbies Social web hub

35 Rebelmouse Nemo coverage TIME magazine

36 Innovative coverage Since we have so many different reporters and editors covering Fashion Week,” explains Zak, “we worked with RebelMouse so that we could insert our Fashion Week Twitter list into the backend and then filter by hashtag.”

37 Innovative coverage Filtering by hashtag automatically translates to a “reporter or editor’s tweets only showing up when they are tweeting specifically about #NYFW,” Zak says. – Poynter.Poynter

38 Innovative coverage Wall Street Journal fashion week WSJ: Davos

39 Another one

40 Spundge Discovery engine: One of several new tools go further to help the curation process along, using machine intelligence. Spundge, like the popular Storify curation tool, also allows curated material to be organized in chronological, annotated storytelling narratives.Storify

41 Craig Sliverman’s notebooks

42 Geo-location assignment Shoot a series of photos (3-5) that you will bring in to a map or graphic next week in class. You’ll want to try to tell a story. – The places I ate while on break. – The cool things I saw while on break. – My example My example

43 Geolocation assignment Be sure to capture exact addresses and locations, if possible. We will be mapping these. This graphic will be included in your social media portfolio, part 2.

44 Geolocation assignment Share your best on social media before class time. Use this hashtag: #sbj491 We’ll experiment with curating them in some new tools.

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