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sacrament of confirmation

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1 sacrament of confirmation

2 Hebrews 6:1-3 Let us go forward, then, to mature teaching and leave behind us the first lessons of the Christian message. We should not lay again the foundation of turning away from useless works and believing in God; of the teaching about baptisms and the laying on of hands; of the resurrection of the dead and the eternal judgment. Let us go forward! And this is what we will do, if God allows. (GNT) Presenter’s notes: Hebrews 6:1-3 continues the incitement to perfection that began in Hebrews 5: In Hebrews 5:11-14 the author implied that his readers would have difficulty in understanding the forthcoming argument because they were dull in understanding. Verse 1 of chapter 6 begins with a call to go on to be mature teachers of the Christian message. As the author encourages his readers to join in him in the journey to maturity, it suggests that he was not as negative about their spiritual condition as we were led to believe from Hebrews 5: This passage relates to the Sacrament of Confirmation as it refers to the teaching of Baptism and the laying on of hands. Laying on of hands refers to the early Christian practice associated with the giving of the Holy Spirit. (Christian Resource Institute, 2011)

3 Sacrament of Confirmation
Origins of the Sacrament Historical development of the rituals structure Current ritual structure of the sacrament Presenter notes: This information session will cover the origins of the Sacrament of Confirmation, The historical development of the rituals structure and the current ritual structure of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

4 Origins The beginnings of Confirmation is very much related to Pentecost- when Jesus was crucified, died, buried and resurrected. The events of Pentecost gave people a reason to become followers of Jesus. The idea of Pentecost was the Holy Spirit, the third aspect of the trinity, giving them courage, strength and wisdom. All of the gifts of the Spirit that we think about now when we think of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Presenter notes: The beginnings of Confirmation has a lot to do with Pentecost, the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to his Apostles several times. This is told to us in Luke 24, Mark 16:9-20, Matt 28:16-20 and John 20:19-31 and John 21. The events of Pentecost founded many people wishing to become followers of Jesus. The idea of Pentecost was the Holy Spirit, the third aspect of the trinity, giving them courage, strength and wisdom. All these are thought to be gifts of the Spirit that we think about now when we think of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

5 Pentecost Word Scramble
All answers can be found in Acts 2:1-24 REIF___________ TEREP__________ STIIPR__________ HEORGTET___________ DWNI________ PAKES__________ LIKDEL_____________ DERSIA___________ SUJSE______________ HEDAT______________ Presenter notes: This activity, Pentecost Word Scramble, is an activity to do with younger children. All of the words can be found in Acts 2:1-24. This will require the child to read that passage in order to find the answer. Source: Department of Christian Education, n.d

6 Match that number Your starting number is How many days went by between the evening of the “first day of the week” and the next time Jesus appeared to His disciples? (John 20:26) Add this number to your starting number. 2. How many fish did the disciples catch when Jesus told them where to cast their nets? (John 21:11). Add this number to your total so far. 3. How many times did Jesus ask Peter, “Do you love me?” (John 21:15-17.) Divide your total so far by this number. 4. For how many days after the Resurrection did Jesus appear to His apostles? (Acts 1:13) Subtract this number from your total so far. Presenter notes: This activity requires children to read the required passage and find the number to answer each question. This is a great activity to do with children as it requires them to read many sections of the Bible, teaching them about our beliefs as well as helping them with their maths.

7 5. How many men in white robes stood by the apostles as Jesus ascended to heaven? (Acts 1:10) Multiply your total so far by this number. 6. How many apostles were gathered in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended to His Father? (Acts 1:3) Subtract this number from your total so far. 7. How many men were suggested to replace Judas as one of the apostles? (Acts 1:23). 8. How many people, or “souls”, were baptized on Pentecost? (Acts 2: 41.) Add this number to your total so far. You’re done! Your final number should be Did you match that number? Source: Department of Christian Education, n.d

8 Historical Development of the Ritual’s Structure
The three sacraments of initiation- Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, began as one celebration. The separation of the bishop's anointing from Baptism occurred because many more people were being baptized and the ratio of Bishops to candidates meant that it was no longer possible to have each candidate’s baptism confirmed at the same ceremony. The normal age for the completion of initiation was generally celebrated at the age of 14. Pope Pius X lowered the age for First Communion to age 7 to encourage more frequent communion. Presenter notes: In the early Church the three Sacraments of initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist—were celebrated in the same ceremony by adult catechumens at the Easter Vigil. The catechumens descended into a pool where they were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They came out, were clothed with a white robe, and the bishop laid hands on them and anointed them with oil. They then continued to a place of honor among the community where they participated in the Eucharist for the first time. So, in the early Church Initiation was just one event with several moments. The separation of the bishop's anointing from Baptism occurred because many more people were being baptized and the ratio of Bishops to candidates meant that it was no longer possible to have each candidate’s baptism confirmed at the same ceremony. Mick Lawrence, 1986, sighted in Lecture Notes, Eight says “Through the centuries we can see the normal age for this completion of initiation getting older and older, until it was generally celebrated at age fourteen. As this happened, First Communion was also delayed, since it was properly received only after Confirmation. …Pope Pius X lowered the age for First Communion to age seven to encourage more frequent communion, and confirmation was left hanging, as it were, in mid-air, now fully removed from the initiation celebration in most people’s minds.”

9 Current Ritual Structure of the Sacrament
Presentation of Candidates Homily Renewal of Baptismal Promises Laying on of the Hands Anointing with Chrism Links to Baptism include: Having Godparents as sponsors Retain Baptismal name Relight Baptismal candle while renewing Baptismal promises Takes place during Eucharist Presenter notes: There are five steps in ritual structure of the Sacrament of Confirmation. As well as confirming baptism, Confirmation also invites candidates to the Eucharistic table. As this Sacrament is a confirmation of the candidates Baptism, there are many obvious links to baptism. They include Having Godparents as sponsors, Retain Baptismal name, Relight Baptismal candle while renewing Baptismal promises. The ritual takes place during the celebration of Eucharist. (Lecture notes, topic 8)

10 For more information A website for this informtion session is available at

11 References Christian Resources Institute. (2011). Hebrews 6:1-20. Retrieved from Department of Christian Education. (n.d). Pentecost Activities. Retrieved from Activities.pdf Good News Translation. Hebrews 6:1-3 Lecture Notes. (Topic 8). Confirmation 2013. Loyola Press. (2007). The History and Development of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Retrieved from sacrament-of-confirmation.htm#sthash.uatpqV8z.8KmMlLuA.dpbs

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