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Sustainable Practices Managing bushfires in Queensland Information adapted from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (2014).

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Practices Managing bushfires in Queensland Information adapted from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (2014)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Practices Managing bushfires in Queensland Information adapted from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (2014).

2 Causes of bushfires can include:  Natural causes (lightning)  Causes from human actions (Arson, accidental etc.)

3 Practices to reduce the impacts of bushfires are … (Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, 2014)

4 Planned burning  This enables people to control fires in rural areas.  This is an important practice as it is vital for ecosystem resilience, as some species depend on fire to regenerate.  It also allows for modifying the fuel hazard or damage potential of certain areas.  This is done by allowing the planned burning to remove the long grass, trees etc. from the area, which reduces the fuel hazard tremendously.

5 Mowing, slashing, ploughing and mulching the ground  This reduces the fuel hazard on public land  This is important for farmers to implement because they have a vast amount of land for their crops and livestock

6 Fire breaks  This means that all fuel hazard is removed, or a gap in vegetation has been created as a barrier to slow or stop the progress of a bushfire.

7 Following community warnings  Community members should follow community warnings about bushfires and act reasonably to ensure they stay safe from any impacts of the bushfires.

8 Legal and responsible use of fire  Through law enforcements and community regulations, the legal and responsible use of fire is enforced on community members.  It can be either on purpose or an accident for a bushfire to start.  Through ensuring the legal and responsible use of fire, communities can remain safe and reduce or minimise the impacts of bushfires occurring.

9 Evacuation plans and Emergency fire kit  People can implement this practice themselves as it can be put in place to ensure that people remain safe from bushfires.  If there were a bushfire to occur, people would know the safest and quickest way to exit a building, house or area.  Emergency kits ensure that people remain safe, and will remain safe after evacuating the building, house or area.

10 Other practices…  Removing rubbish from the ground  Remove overhanging branches  Use netting to capture leaves around the house or yard  Keep lawn short  Keep piles of wood away from buildings, homes or certain areas.  Checking weather conditions regularly  Acting immediately and safely when noticing a bushfire  Inform authorities immediately and safely when noticing a bushfire

11 References Australian Government. (2014). Geoscience australia, what is a bushfire? Retrieved from Department of Environment and Primary Industries. (2014). Code of practice for bushfire management on public land, state government Victoria. Retrieved from Bushfire-Management-on-Public-Land.pdf Department of Fire and Emergency Services. (2014). Government of Western Australia bushfire patrol, middle primary. Retrieved from -teacherresources.aspx The State of Queensland Department of Community Safety. (2014). Rural fire service queensland. Retrieved from

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