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Outreach for the On-Call Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design Services Contract Caltrans D9 February 17, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach for the On-Call Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design Services Contract Caltrans D9 February 17, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach for the On-Call Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design Services Contract Caltrans D9 February 17, 2016

2 Agenda  10:00 AMWelcome and Introduction  DPAC  District 9  10:05 AMRoundtable introductions  10:25 AMDBE Contract Requirements  10:35 AMContract Overview  11:00 AMNetworking  11:15 AM Questions and Answers Session  11:30 AMAdjourn

3 Purpose of this event  Information Sharing  Network and Partnering Opportunity  Question and Answer Session

4 Self Introduction/ Roundtable  Participant Name (Plan to Be Prime or Sub)  Firm/Affiliations/Certifications  Goal for Attending this Event (for Non-Caltrans Participants)  Role/Title if You are Participating for Caltrans

5 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)  What is a DBE?  Is a for-profit small business that is at least 51% owned by one or more individual(s) who are both socially and economically disadvantaged  Objectives of DBE Program:  Ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of federally-funded contracts in Caltrans highway, transit and airport financial assistance programs  Create a level-playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for federally-funded contracts  Ensure that only firms that fully meet the eligibility standards are permitted to participate as DBEs  To promote the use of DBEs in all types of federally-assisted contracts and procurement activities conducted by recipients  Criteria for DBE certification:  Eligibility requirements are stated in 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26  Application and more information :

6 Current Contract Overview  Current contract 06A1895  Scope: provides personnel, equipment, and facilities necessary to conduct Hazardous Waste Services for Initial Site Assessment, Site Investigation, surveying, inspection and testing of miscellaneous sites, buildings, containers, and structures on Caltrans projects located in Districts 5, 6, 9 and 10 including Inyo and Mono Counties.  Prime: Geocon Consultants, Inc.  Contract Authority: $4.2 million over 3 years.

7 Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design Services District 9 Disclaimer: This information provided in today’s outreach event does not constitute a solicitation or offer of any contract with Caltrans. It solely serves informational purpose. The scope of work, contract amount and schedule and other aspect of the contact are still under development. Information provided are preliminary and subject to change.

8 Contract Amount  This Contract does not include services related to the implementation of remedial action or environmental cleanup. Location of work  District 9 – Inyo and Mono Counties. Project work may extend into other counties and Nevada. Not Included  $150,000 (estimated) for 3 years. Contract Goals  There will be a DBE contract goal.

9 Required Services The Consultant may provide services to Caltrans including, but not limited to, site investigation, remedial design work; Environmental Site Assessments, Initial Site Assessments; Site Investigations; Aerially Deposited Lead Investigation; risk assessments, hazardous materials surveys; record research and review; field review and survey; traffic control; historic material research and review; submitting findings in a report; site characterizations, applying for and complying with regulatory permits; proposing and evaluating remedial alternatives or feasibility studies; development, design and preparation of plans, estimate and specification (PS&E) for hazardous waste removal/clean-up projects; development and preparing cost estimates for remedial activities;

10 Required Services (continued) hazardous waste identification; long term soil and/or groundwater monitoring; remediation work plan/preliminary design; remedial investigations; construction-phase design support as requested by the Caltrans Resident Engineer; post-construction monitoring of facility operations; purchase of hazardous wastes radius maps and plans from vendors; utilization of a Geographic Information Systems and Management Information System; permit preparation, toxicology studies; evaluation, monitoring, and report of hazardous materials remediation systems impacted with hazardous materials from leaking underground storage tanks (USTs) or other sources; related work pertaining to the study of known or suspected contamination and/or hazardous waste sites.

11 Required Services (continued) Consultant shall be available to meet with Caltrans, to participate in internal Project Development Team (PDT) meetings or other Caltrans meetings, and to attend public meetings (day and evening) where an expert is required. Also, to participate in any public hearings necessary for a project, and to provide technical expertise on an “as-needed” basis.

12  Networking  Question and Answer Session

13 Thank you for your interest in the D9 Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design Services Contract

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