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Aldehdydes and ketones. Aldehydes & ketones C n H 2n O (+)C=O(-) polar react with acid and base.

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Presentation on theme: "Aldehdydes and ketones. Aldehydes & ketones C n H 2n O (+)C=O(-) polar react with acid and base."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aldehdydes and ketones

2 Aldehydes & ketones C n H 2n O (+)C=O(-) polar react with acid and base

3 Nomenclature A] Aldehyde 1] Ald. up to 4 c by common name of the acids to which they related. 2] More than 4 by replacing e(from alkane) by –al. 3] C of ald. Always No. 1 (not appear in the name).

4 Nomenclature: 4] Substituted ald. By alphabet. If (OH > C=C or C  C ) ClCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CHO CH 3 CH 2 CH=CHCHO CH 3 CHOHCHClCH 2 CHO 3-Chloro-4-hydroxy pentanal

5 5] Aromatic aldehyd derivatives of simplest aromatic (bezald.) B] Ketones 1) Simple by alkyl substituent and word ketone

6 2] complicated ketones by IUPAC by replacing (e) by(- one) (in longest cont. chain with C=O) ket. Take lower no. CH 3 CH 2 COCH 3 CH 3 COCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH3 CH 3 CH 2 COCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CHClCOCH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH=CHCOCH 3 3-hexene-2-one Butanone 2-Hexanone 3-hexanone 4-chloro-3-hexanone

7 3] If position of C=O not clear no. is needed for no.

8 Physical Properties. -Simple (1-6) ald. & keto. Soli. in H 2 O - If R (inc) soli. (dec.) - more than 6 C insole. Dipole- dipol attractions Solubility B.P ald &ket. > alkane (same m.wt) Boiling point C=O polar, So Ald. & ket Polar (intermolecular attraction)

9 Preparation of Aldehydes & ketones 1] Oxidation of 1  & 2  alcohol : 2] Ozonolysis of alkenes:

10 Preparation of Aldehydes & ketones 3] Hydrolysis of alkynes: HC ≡ CH+ H 2 SO 4 aldhyde

11 4] Friedel Craft acylation:

12 Reactions of Aldehydes and ketones 1] Addition of metal hydrides( formation of alcohol)

13 Reactions of Aldehydes and ketones 1] Addition of metal hydrides( formation of alcohol)

14 2] Reactions with Grignard reagent:


16 3]Addition of alkynide ions: {R-C ≡ C(-)} 4]Addition of hydrogen cyanide (cyanohydrins formations):

17 H2OH2O CH 3 +

18 5] Addition of alcohols Ald.. + alcoh. — H+--- hemiacital Ket. + alcoh. — H+--- hemiketal a) Hemiacitals formation b) Hemiketals formation

19 c) Acetal formation: d) Ketal formation: OH

20 6] Addition of ammonia and it's derivatives

21 Reduction of oxime 7] Iodoform reaction O 0

22 8]Aldol condensation: Aldehydes Ketones +


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