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European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS)

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1 European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS)
DIME/ITDG Plenary Luxembourg, 25 February 2016

2 European Master in Official Statistics
"The main goal of this project is to establish a quality label for university 'European Official Statistics' programmes that meet agreed standards in education. University programmes that are benchmarked to these standards become members of the 'European Official Statistics' network." Ex-Ante Evaluation Document for the project, May 2011.

3 Emos Learning outcomes
Elective courses

4 EMOS Learning Outcomes
The system of official statistics Production models and methods (e.g. GSBPM) Specific Themes e.g. general and regional statistics, economy and finance, population and social conditions, industry, trade and services, agriculture and fisheries, international trade, transport, environment and energy, science and technology Statistical Methods Dissemination

5 EMOS governance ESSC 'owner' of EMOS EMOS Secretariat EMOS Board
Universities EMOS Board Application for the EMOS label EMOS Secretariat Recommendation to award the label Award of the EMOS label Way to get the EMOS label Report Support and communication

6 EMOS labelled universities
Master Programme University 1 Master Studies in Statistics University of Helsinki 2 Master in Statistics and Econometrics ENSAI and University of Rennes 3 MSc in Survey Statistics University of Trier 4 MSc Economics 5 Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Sciences University of Firenze 6 Master Program in Economics University of Pisa 7 Statistics and Decision Sciences University of Rome La Sapienza 8 Methods and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences Utrecht University 9 Master in Statistics and Information Management University NOVA, Lisbon 10 Master in Applied Statistics Örebro University School of Business 11 Master Programme Applied Statistics University of Ljubljana 12 MSc Official Statistics (MOffStat) University of Southampton

7 2nd EMOS Call for Applications
Preparation workshop: October 2015 Published: End-October Deadline: 29 January 2016 Number of applications: 14 Evaluation meeting of the EMOS Board:17-18 March 2016 Recommendation to the ESSC: May 2016

8 EMOS activities EMOS workshops EMOS summer schools EMOS network

9 Thank you for your attention!

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