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Cs332a_chapt04.ppt CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Text Controls Kerning (Code 4.1, Figure 4.1, Page 78) The amount of space between letters in a word.

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Presentation on theme: "Cs332a_chapt04.ppt CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Text Controls Kerning (Code 4.1, Figure 4.1, Page 78) The amount of space between letters in a word."— Presentation transcript:

1 cs332a_chapt04.ppt CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Text Controls Kerning (Code 4.1, Figure 4.1, Page 78) The amount of space between letters in a word Improves readability.stretch { letter-spacing: 2em} something Space between words (Code 4.2, Figure 4.2, Page 79).title {word-spacing: 8px} sometext Leading: the space between lines (Code 4.3, Figure 4.3, Page 80).copy { line-height: 2;} sometext A number multiplied by font size to determine spacing In this case – double spacing p cite { font-size: 12px} sometext Px = pixel height based on monitors resolution (page xvi) 78 Chapter 4

2 cs332a_chapt04.ppt Text Controls Text Case (Code 4.4, Figure 4.4, Page 82) Force all text to a { text-transform: desiredpattern;} this is some { text-transform: capitalize;} this is some text Displayed: This Is Some { text-transform: uppercase;} this is some text Displayed: THIS IS SOME { text-transform: lowercase;} This Is Some Text Displayed: this is some text Note: no double quotes ( “ “ ) Patterns capitalize: first letter of each word is upper case uppercase: all letters are forced to upper case lowercase: all letters are forced to lower case Chapter 4

3 cs332a_chapt04.ppt CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Text Controls Aligning Text (Code 4.5, Figure 4.5, Page 83) Text-align attribute Left justify text.left {text-align: left;} Right justify text.right {text-align: right;} Center {text-align: center;} sometext Chapter 4

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