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P: The Nomads moved and migrated so much to feed the “tribe”. So thy never knew where they would be the next day. N: They started to settle down and captivate.

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Presentation on theme: "P: The Nomads moved and migrated so much to feed the “tribe”. So thy never knew where they would be the next day. N: They started to settle down and captivate."— Presentation transcript:

1 P: The Nomads moved and migrated so much to feed the “tribe”. So thy never knew where they would be the next day. N: They started to settle down and captivate animals. And knew they wouldn’t travel as much anymore. P: They gathered food and made stone tools. These were called gatherers and tool makers. N: They became more advanced and started to grow there own food and make there own metal tools. These were called farmers and blacksmiths. Gathered food and made stone tools. Farmers/ grew food and made metal tools. Group Member’s Names: Nikki Kasiah, Nakayla Roland, Tony Banks Paleolithic era they hunted. In the Neolithic they did more captivating and less hunting.

2 P: They had stone weapons, it was hard to kill an animal with stone weapons. N: They had metal weapons, much easier to kill and animal. And made plows, easier for farming, and agriculture. Smaller temporary settlements. Larger more permanent settlements. Animal resources and stone. Used metal. Group Member’s Names: Nikki Kasiah, Nakayla Roland, Tony Banks P: The population was smaller, as well was the settlement itself. Less people to feed so the food spoiled a little quicker and they didn’t have to hunt large animals N: Larger settlements and population. More people to feed, larger animals, bigger animals and more harvested foods.

3 P: Easy movable tents that protect, but easily destroyed. Helped them move and store things for a certain amount of short days. N: Permanent homes that were sturdy and safer. Storing goods for weeks and maintaining a life and built communities. Small stones. Arrow heads and other weapons. Portable small tents that weren’t sturdy. Permanent homes that were more sturdy. Group Member’s Names: Nikki Kasiah, Nakayla Roland, Tony Banks P: The stones didn’t do much of anything they hurt but had to be used with multiple blows and this made it hard to protect themselves from much of anything. N: They used metal to make weapons. This helped protect their valuable resources. They grew with technology and eventually made a camera to help keep track of crops and then made a plow to help with planting crops.

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