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Unit 7 It’s raining! Good morning, everybody! Here is the weather report! Today is …. Beijing is snowy, Kunming is windy…. Thank you for listening!

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 It’s raining! Good morning, everybody! Here is the weather report! Today is …. Beijing is snowy, Kunming is windy…. Thank you for listening!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 7 It’s raining!

3 Good morning, everybody! Here is the weather report! Today is …. Beijing is snowy, Kunming is windy…. Thank you for listening!

4 2 3 4 1 Listen and number the pictures. (2a )

5 1. __ Uncle Joe 2. __ Jeff 3. __ Mary 4. __ Aunt Sally Listen again. Match the names with the activities. (2b) c b a d a. is playing computer games b. is cooking c. is playing basketball d. is watching TV

6 假如你和你的朋友在不 同的国家或不同的城市, 通过打电话交谈一下对 方的天气及正在做的事 情。 pairwork A: Hello! Who is that ? B: Hi, Mary.This is Tom. Where are you now ? A: I’m in Beijing. B: Oh, how is the weather in Beijing ? A: It’s sunny. What about you? B: I’m in Moscow. A: How is the weather in Moscow? B: It’s snowy. A: What are you doing? B: I’m cooking. What about you? B: I’m watching TV. A: Bye-bye

7 drough ( 旱灾)

8 flood ( 水灾)

9 sandstorm( 沙尘暴 ) typhoon( 台风 )

10 tsunami( 海啸 )

11 Can we help them?

12  Give them money / clothes / pens … ( 捐给他们钱、衣物或者笔 ……)  Help the children come back to school. ( 帮助孩子们重返学校 )  Plant more trees.( 多植树保护环境 )  Keep the city clean.( 保持城市的整洁 )  Save water. ( 节约用水 )  Save money.( 不乱花钱 )  Call other people to protect the earth. ( 号召其他人一起来保护地球 )


14 What’s the weather like? How’s How is the weather? ‖ ---It’s cloudy. ---It’s sunny. ---It’s foggy. --- It’s snowy. /snowing. ---It’s raining. / rainy.

15 1.When the sun comes out, it’s____. 2.When there are some clouds, it’s_____. 3.When it’s raining, it’s______. 4.When it’s snowing, it’s______. 5.When the wind is blowing( 吹 ), it’s_____. sunny snowy rainy cloudy windy

16 1..It’s eight o’clock. Jim’s father _____TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch 2.____is the weather there?It’s windy. A.What B.How C.What’s

17 3.--How’s the weather today? --____ A.It’s rain. B.It’s raining. C. It rainy. D. It’s wind. 4.We want _____this book now. A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read

18 5.--___you ____the room? -- —Yes, I am. A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning

19 Translate and write them down. 1. - 多伦多天气怎么样? - 是晴天。 2. - 他们正在干什么? - 他们正在打篮球。 - How is the weather in Toronto? - It’s sunny. - What are they doing? - They’re playing basketball.

20 1. 观看 cctv-4 天气预报, 并记录以下 城市的天气: Tokyo 、 Sydney 、 Paris and New York 2. Collect the words about weather and clothes. And make a report.

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