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9 th Grade Cooking Final Project Name Class Period.

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1 9 th Grade Cooking Final Project Name Class Period

2 Introduction Introduction- This slide shows how you planned and prepared for your project. – Explain how you used information from the family interview to start your project. – How did your own cooking experience, food preferences, and family influence what you chose to make? – How was your experience at the grocery store? – What did you learn before you started making your meals?

3 Meal Description What did you make? List recipe name(s) AND be sure to hyperlink to the recipe) What cooking techniques did you use? Describe your successes/or lack of success. – Include photos and descriptions.

4 Compared to MyPlate How does your meal compare to MyPlate? – What food groups were included in your meal? – What portions did you serve? – Were the food groups represented proportionate to the recommendations of MyPlate?

5 Cost Analysis IngredientCost Amount Purchased Amount Used(Recipe) Adjusted Cost Ingredient Total Adjusted Total Cost Analysis of 1 of the recipes you made. Be sure to hyper link the cost for each ingredient to a webpage that lists the appropriate information. preferred website for cost is

6 Nutritional Analysis Amount & IngredientCaloriesFatSodium Recipe Total Serving Total Nutritional Analysis- of 1 of the recipes you made. Be sure to hyper link the nutrition information for each ingredient to a webpage that lists the appropriate information. preferred website for nutrition labels is

7 Reflection This is the conclusion to your project. What was your reaction to the cost/nutritional analysis results? Talk about at least 3 things that you learned from doing this project. What was your family’s reaction to you cooking for them?

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