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Model after the Archetype, Beowulf  You have been hired by Marvel Comics  Your job is to create a new superhero with all the qualities of Beowulf.

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Presentation on theme: "Model after the Archetype, Beowulf  You have been hired by Marvel Comics  Your job is to create a new superhero with all the qualities of Beowulf."— Presentation transcript:


2 Model after the Archetype, Beowulf

3  You have been hired by Marvel Comics  Your job is to create a new superhero with all the qualities of Beowulf.

4  Brave  Great warrior  Kind  Protective  Honest  Handsome  Dresses differently  Possesses superhuman qualities  Has a flaw

5  Anglo Saxon Society  Brave  Strong  Honest  Superhuman like persona  Boastful

6  Values  Bravery  Honesty  Courageous  Save the innocent  Dresses differently  We want a hero who can do it all.

7  Eight Panels  Must include the plot elements  Use kennings. Flash comes to the aid of his fellow citizens The Hero ArrivesThe fight begins….

8  Must include a pursuit of a higher goal by the hero, a quest where the hero rights a wrong, saves a nation, or rescues a number of victims.  Elements  Exposition (Background information / setting/character)  Conflict  Complication  Climax  Falling action  Resolution

9  Grendel is the archetype for monsters or Villains in general. You must have a villain that your superhero will defeat.

10  A different type of dressing (He must be able to stand out from the rest of the population)  Don’t forget the weakness or flaw.

11 I need money…I know..I’ll rob a bank! No! I will not let you.

12  It is ok to do the art work on a computer.  You may trace  You may physically cut out pictures from a coloring book, magazine, or newspaper.

13  Good vs. Evil  Do not copy an existing story.  Be original.  Do not get cute.  No Sponge Bob like characters.  If you are not sure, ask!  DO NOT MAKE YOUR SUPERHERO “TOOTH PASTE MAN VERSUS TOOTH DECAY.”

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