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WELCOME TO MADISON 2016 Four Short Years to Graduation!

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3 Four Short Years to Graduation!


5 MADISON ROCKS! US News & World report-#1 in Fairfax County; #3 in Virginia; #113 Nationally Governor’s GOLD Award for Educational Excellence (overall excellence)- 2 of the last 4 years AP class participation has increased 61% in the last 5 years Students scoring >3 has increased 12% in the last 5 years

6 A COMMUNITY THAT CARES Excellent, caring faculty- 23 of our current faculty graduated from Madison High School Our current faculty and administration has a wealth of experience at Madison

7 MADISON HIGH SCHOOL VALUES: A Focus on the WHOLE student. High learning expectations for ALL students! Learning as an ACTIVE process.

8 CORE LEARNING: Department Chair Science: Marty Romeo

9 CORE LEARNING: Department Chair English: Francesca Branson

10 CORE LEARNING: Department Chair Social Studies: Frank Franz

11 SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT  9 th : World History 1 World History 1 Honors  10 th : World History 2  11 th : VA/US History  12 th : VA/US Government

12 CORE LEARNING: World Languages: Kathy Flinn

13 WORL D LANGUAGES COURSE OFFERINGS: FRENCH, SPANISH, LATIN @ JMHS Requirements for Advanced Diploma: 3 years of the same language or 2 years of 2 different languages.

14 CORE LEARNING: Department Chairs Mathematics: Susan Moy



17 STUDENT SERVICES Counselors: –Ms. Coogan –Ms. Buckley –Mr. Gorman –Ms. Masich –Ms. Kennedy –Ms. Anderson –Mr. Buckley Registrar –Ms. Hendelman Transcript Assistant –Ms. Geary Career Resource Specialist: –Ms. Otto Social Worker: –Ms. Stock Psychologist: –Dr. Charneco

18 SCHOOL COUNSELORS ROLE Counselors stay with their students all four years We provide counseling services that address: Academics College/Careers Personal/Social

19 WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL? Emphasis on PERSONAL responsibility! Time management is critical Many activities to get involved in Block scheduling!

20 BLOCK SCHEDULING Odd day / Even day format; 90-95 minute blocks: embedded 3rd period meets everyday for 60 minutes; Red day: Periods 1, WT, 3,5,7 Black day: Periods 2, WT, 3,4,6

21 SUCCESS – VOILA! How can students be successful? Communication Time management Self-advocacy Involvement

22 WHAT DO 9TH GRADERS TAKE? English 9 World History & Geography I Math Biology Health / PE 9 Electives (2) World Language ? Other

23 HONORS/AP COURSES Choose WISELY- Don’t bite off more than you can chew! Make sure you have the INTEREST and are willing to put in the EXTRA WORKLOAD

24 HOW MANY HONORS COURSES? What are your academic strengths? What commitment am I willing to make to these classes? The decision should be based on INTERNAL, not EXTERNAL factors

25 ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES! Athletics – Fall, Winter, Spring Sports Clubs – Curricular and interest areas Co-Curricular – Fine Arts What will you get involved in?

26 ELECTIVES...EXPLORE, EXPAND, EXCEL Electives expand your experiences They can be the beginning of lifelong interests Choose them with care!

27 THE TRANSITION FROM 8 TH GRADE TO MADISON Students: -Make a summer reading list -Commit to consistent effort, excellent attendance and staying for extra help

28 THE TRANSITION FROM 8 TH GRADE TO MADISON Parents: Make school a family PRIORITY Try to ATTEND everything your students are in Support EFFORT and LEARNING... It’s not always about the grades

29 MADISON SUMMER PROGRAMS Bridges- Warhawk Flight School- Aug. 18 or 25


31 See you in the Fall…


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