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Unit 4. Objectives 1. Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express “ ability ” 2. Modal auxiliaries have to expressing “ obligation ” 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4. Objectives 1. Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express “ ability ” 2. Modal auxiliaries have to expressing “ obligation ” 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4

2 Objectives 1. Modal auxiliaries can/could and be able to used to express “ ability ” 2. Modal auxiliaries have to expressing “ obligation ” 2. Modal auxiliaries have to expressing “ obligation ” 3. Modal auxiliaries can/may used to express “ permission ” or “ request for permission ” 3. Modal auxiliaries can/may used to express “ permission ” or “ request for permission ” 4. Modal auxiliaries had better expressing “ advice ” or “ suggestion ” 4. Modal auxiliaries had better expressing “ advice ” or “ suggestion ”

3 Teaching Tasks and Process Language Structure Practice(1 课时 ) Language Structure Practice(1 课时 ) 1. Was she able to/Could she … ? 1. Was she able to/Could she … ? 2. Do you have to … ? 2. Do you have to … ? 3. Can/May I be … ? 3. Can/May I be … ? 4. You had better … 4. You had better …

4 Dialogues (2 课时 ) Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 Broad questions Broad questions Questions on specific details Questions on specific details Main idea Main idea Language teaching points and practice Language teaching points and practice Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 Advice and suggestions Advice and suggestions Substitution practice Substitution practice

5 Background information Word Formation Prefix: re-, pre-, fore-, un-, dis-, ad-, post-, syn/m-, anti-, de-, tri-, mis-, in-, vi-, psy-, sub-, in-… Prefix: re-, pre-, fore-, un-, dis-, ad-, post-, syn/m-, anti-, de-, tri-, mis-, in-, vi-, psy-, sub-, in-… Suffix: -ness, -tion, -ity, -ism, -al, -ful, -less, -tive, -ate, Suffix: -ness, -tion, -ity, -ism, -al, -ful, -less, -tive, -ate, -ly, -ist, -or/er, -able, -ence, -let, -hood, -ing, -ment… -ly, -ist, -or/er, -able, -ence, -let, -hood, -ing, -ment… Root: sist, stan, flo, circ, alt, apt, opt, bio, dict, flex,hydr Root: sist, stan, flo, circ, alt, apt, opt, bio, dict, flex,hydr

6 Language points 1. I ’ m really sick of the whole dictation business. 1. I ’ m really sick of the whole dictation business. I get very tired of the whole matter of dictation, be sick of … means get very tired of …. I get very tired of the whole matter of dictation, be sick of … means get very tired of …. 2. it gets on my nerves. It annoys me; it makes me angry. 2. it gets on my nerves. It annoys me; it makes me angry. get on sb ’ s nerves, means irate or exasperate sb, Similar expression is : get on sb ’ s nerves, means irate or exasperate sb, Similar expression is : set sb ’ s nerves / teeth on edge. set sb ’ s nerves / teeth on edge.

7 3. … ended up with missing words, even phrases. 3. … ended up with missing words, even phrases. … end up means finish. It can be followed by a phrasal preposition, gerund or noun. e.g.,. … end up means finish. It can be followed by a phrasal preposition, gerund or noun. e.g.,. He ended up losing all his money. He ended up losing all his money. 4. hold … in one ’ s memory: memorize …, learn … by heart. e. g., 4. hold … in one ’ s memory: memorize …, learn … by heart. e. g., It took Lily a week to hold the epic poem in her memory. It took Lily a week to hold the epic poem in her memory.

8 5. Make sense of: fully understand, e. g., 5. Make sense of: fully understand, e. g., He read the article again and again, but still couldn ’ t make any sense of it. He read the article again and again, but still couldn ’ t make any sense of it. 6. take advantage of: It can be used in a positive way, meaning put to good use, e. g., 6. take advantage of: It can be used in a positive way, meaning put to good use, e. g., take advantage of the nutrition of food. take advantage of the nutrition of food. He took advantage of her mistake, and … He took advantage of her mistake, and … 7. tease sb: make fun of sb playfully or unkindly. e. g., 7. tease sb: make fun of sb playfully or unkindly. e. g., Don ’ t tease John any more. He has got enough today. Don ’ t tease John any more. He has got enough today.

9 Readings (2 课时 ) Reading 1 Reading 1 Sample questions Sample questions New words and phrases New words and phrases Language teaching points Language teaching points Reading 2 Reading 2 Sample questions Sample questions Language teaching points Language teaching points

10 Language points 1. convert sth (from sth) (to / into sth): 1. convert sth (from sth) (to / into sth): change from one form or use into another. e. g., change from one form or use into another. e. g., convert rags into paper. convert rags into paper. 2. grind: v. (ground, ground) 2. grind: v. (ground, ground) ~ (down) (to / into): crush to grains or powder between millstones, the teeth, etc. e. g., ~ (down) (to / into): crush to grains or powder between millstones, the teeth, etc. e. g., The wind will grind wheat into flour.. The wind will grind wheat into flour..

11 4. The sea has provided man with … means give, supply (what is needed, esp what a person needs in order to live), e. g. 4. The sea has provided man with … means give, supply (what is needed, esp what a person needs in order to live), e. g. ~ one ’ s children with food and clothes. ~ one ’ s children with food and clothes. ~ for sb / sth, meaning make ready, do what is necessary, for …, e. g., ~ for sb / sth, meaning make ready, do what is necessary, for …, e. g., He has a large family to … for and He has a large family to … for and provide against sth, meaning take steps to quads atavist, e. g., provide against sth, meaning take steps to quads atavist, e. g., Have you and against a coal shortage next winter? Have you and against a coal shortage next winter?

12 Background information A source of energy Solar energy Solar energy is energy directly from the Sun. This energy drives the climate and weather and supports virtually all life on Earth.It can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. Solar energy is energy directly from the Sun. This energy drives the climate and weather and supports virtually all life on Earth.It can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity.

13 Energy crisis With the development of science and technology, our society witnessed a ever-increasing need for energy. The world has consumed a great amount of energy. But all this energy has gone forever. One of the main problems the world is facing today is the energy crisis. Therefore, energy supplies are becoming short, in other words, all forms of energy will be exhausted in future. With the development of science and technology, our society witnessed a ever-increasing need for energy. The world has consumed a great amount of energy. But all this energy has gone forever. One of the main problems the world is facing today is the energy crisis. Therefore, energy supplies are becoming short, in other words, all forms of energy will be exhausted in future.

14 Wind Wind also comes from solar energy. Wind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun’s heat at different rates. Wind also comes from solar energy. Wind is simple air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun’s heat at different rates.

15 Discussion Topic Topic What do you think are good suggestions on how to learn English? What do you think are good suggestions on how to learn English?

16 Guided Writing (1 课时 ) 1. Connectives and attitude words 1. Connectives and attitude words 2. Note of invitation 2. Note of invitation

17 Assignments 1.Guided writing 1.Guided writing 2. Exercises in WB 2. Exercises in WB

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