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Scan Rules Introduction –Overview –Justification –Approach Neutrino Event Type Assignment –Strategy –Muon-Flavor Reaction (mu) Type –Electron-Flavor Reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Scan Rules Introduction –Overview –Justification –Approach Neutrino Event Type Assignment –Strategy –Muon-Flavor Reaction (mu) Type –Electron-Flavor Reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scan Rules Introduction –Overview –Justification –Approach Neutrino Event Type Assignment –Strategy –Muon-Flavor Reaction (mu) Type –Electron-Flavor Reaction (e) Type –Neutral Current (NC) Type –Ambiguous (mu/NC, e/NC) Types Event Topology Classification –QE Topology –RES Topology –DIS Topology

2 Type - Strategy Identification based on observation of charged lepton track (or lack of for NC) Scanner must carefully examine: –Hits of an event –Relative pulse heights (PH) –Use Canvases 1 and 2 –Use both U and V projections Check initially for muon track If no candidate muon –zoom on event vertex region –use pulse height threshold settings –Look for electron induced EM shower To help separate e and NC events –Use canvases 3, 4, and 5 –Examine the longitudinal and transverse energy per plane displays –For e one should observe Relatively smooth rise and fall in longitudinal energy Relatively compact PH profile in transverse energy. Scanning Tip: Use the “buttons” provided on the second NueAna canvas to eliminate the lowest PH hits from view to remove Cross-talk and other noise

3 Type - Muon Observation of a candidate muon track in the final state Muons are usually distinctive because of: – Length (longer than hadronic showers) –narrow widths (typically one strip wide) –Relatively low pulse height hits Should be clearly discernible in both U and V views

4 Type - Electron Observation of a candidate electromagnetic shower Emerges promptly from the primary vertex region Electromagnetic shower should be recognized by: –relative positions of hits –Pulse height (PH) at each position –Shape of the pattern of hits in the shower The general shape of an EM shower is an elongated oval resembles a sine curve, from 0 the p, of low amplitude and long wavelength, and rotated about the axis of the shower direction. An energetic shower will have: –A central core comprised of hits of largest PH arranged along the shower axis of travel –A “halo” which consists of: »hits outside but directly adjacent to the core »PH should fall off sharply »Should surround the core somewhat uniformly The width of both the core and the halo should increase (and decrease) with core PH. The overall topology should be –fairly regular –without large jumps in PH in neighboring planes, or strips Along the shower core, and after the shower max-PH has been reached and the PH subsequently diminishes, no resurgence of PH should be observed

5 Type – Electron (cont.) –Size of the pattern of hits in the shower The size is a function of the electron energy As the shower energy increases so will –Length –Width –PH’s Use reconstructed shower energy Guidelines for events in the 3-10 GeV reconstructed shower energy range –Can be scaled for events with events out of range or towards edges –The central core PH min -- 5 MEUs (both views) –The central core min length – 2 planes (both views) –The total length max -- 12 planes –The core width max -- »1 to 2 strips across »At most 3 at higher energies »fall sharply (<1/2 max) at either side –The average width max -- 6 hits. –Shower Direction Shower should align to within 45 degrees of the beam/detector direction. Note: e candidates with QE or RES topology will generally align very well with the beam direction, consequently these events will have narrow profiles centered near zero in the U and V view transverse energy per strip profiles

6 Type – Neutral Current NO observation of: –Candidate muon track –Electron shower Comprised entirely of final state hadronic shower(s) –Low multiplicity single proton (elastic) single pion (RES) proton plus pion (RES) –High muliplcity Higher energy Multipronged – many tracks –May include small EM showers From p0 decay Should not be arranged in a way which is compatible with an evolving shower core – otherwise tagged e or e/NC

7 Type – Ambiguous Possible for the final state hadronic system to look comparable to that of a final state charged lepton Common with low energy CC events and/or high-y CC events May cause ambiguities –A hit sequence may appear as a plausible candidate lepton in one view but obscured or else indiscernible in the other view –Crossing hadron tracks near vertex may mimic EM shower –Record the event using ambiguous event types mu/NC e/NC e/NC and e/mu/NC may occur but are uncommon and can be accommodated using comment field In e flavor search e/NC’s are common.

8 Topology Qausielastic (QE) –Charged lepton together with a recoil proton (which may or may not yield detector hits) –Can occur as NC events (elastic) and will appear as one or few high PH hits Resonance (RES) –A single charged pion track in addition to a charged lepton (and possible recoil proton) –The pion track may be comprised of a few low pulse height hits –The track-like character of the pion may not be obvious –Events include hadronic systems with very modest energy. –Charge current events which have a clearly discernible track accompanying the muon are worthy of note Events in which the second track is sufficiently long to qualify as a muon are dimuon candidates Important in charm threshold studies A comment should be made Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) –Events which have more than one final state hadronic track (in addition to the recoil proton) –Most high energy CC events fall into this category.

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