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Warm UP  1. What are the different forms of energy?  2. What is energy?  3. What is kinetic energy and how do you measure it?  4. What is potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm UP  1. What are the different forms of energy?  2. What is energy?  3. What is kinetic energy and how do you measure it?  4. What is potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm UP  1. What are the different forms of energy?  2. What is energy?  3. What is kinetic energy and how do you measure it?  4. What is potential energy? What are two different types of potential energy?

2 Let’s do the wave! EQ: What does energy have to do with waves?

3 I. NATURE OF WAVES  A. Waves – 1. A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy.  B. Medium – 1. Substance or region through which a wave can move/transmitted.  C. Speed of Waves – 1. Depends on the properties of the medium.

4 II. Two types of waves  A. Transverse waves 1. A wave in which the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling. 2. A ripple on a pond and a wave on a string are easily visualized transverse waves. ripple on a pondwave on a stringripple on a pondwave on a string

5 Transverse Wave Rest position


7 Transverse Waves 3. Amplitude a. Higher the amplitude the more energy the wave is carrying. b. Smaller the amplitude, the less energy the wave is carrying.

8 Transverse Waves 4. Wave length a. The distance between the centers of the crests of a wave represented by λ 5. Frequency a. How often the crests of the waves come by a given point in a second (the number of waves per second) represented by f. b. Velocity = wavelength X frequency. V= λ * f. V= λ * f.

9 Wavelength


11 Warm Up Quiz  1. Draw and Label a transverse wave.

12 Longitudinal Waves  B. Longitudinal waves 1. The particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave moves. 2. A wave in a "slinky" is a good visualization. Sound waves in air are longitudinal waves. Sound waves in airSound waves in air 


14 C. Water Waves 1. Water waves are an example of waves that involve a combination of both longitudinal and transverse motions. 2. As a wave travels through the water, the particles travel in clockwise circles. (I have identified two particles in blue to show that each particle indeed travels in a clockwise circle as the wave passes ) (I have identified two particles in blue to show that each particle indeed travels in a clockwise circle as the wave passes )

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