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Student Representation Roles and responsibilities of the different student reps. Staff-Student Liaison Committee. The importance of student feedback. How.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Representation Roles and responsibilities of the different student reps. Staff-Student Liaison Committee. The importance of student feedback. How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Representation Roles and responsibilities of the different student reps. Staff-Student Liaison Committee. The importance of student feedback. How to contact your student reps. Hello, we are your Programme Reps! Picture of the 3 of us together?

2 Student representation system Hospital Reps Elected in each hospital during the ICL course Year Reps Programme Reps Elections for foundation yr, yr 1 and yr 3 reps will be held shortly on medlea. Why not put yourself forward for the position? That’s us!

3 Staff-Student Liaison Committee Student Programme Reps Student Year Reps Chair Dr Jon Shaffer Secretary Helen Franklin Emma VaccariNathan HunekeEmmanuel Oladipo Academic and administrative staff Picture? Examples of members of staff who take part?

4 Student feedback is important! Aspects of the course that have changed through feedback: Exam feedback is being introduced. Year 2 hospital taster day In the “you said we did” section on Medlea you can find more examples. (Home > Student representation and feedback > You said we did) Aspects of the course that still require attention: You tell us!

5 How to contact us Programme Reps email: Emmanuel and Nathan are based at Salford Royal (Hope) Emma is based at MRI Year Reps Foundation Year: Year 1: Year 3: 3: Y3medicstudentrep@mancheste Hey! There are no excuses for not contacting us: you can find all this information on Medlea!

6 Any Questions?

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