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Mr. Granda 8 th and 7 th Grade U.S. History and World History.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Granda 8 th and 7 th Grade U.S. History and World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Granda 8 th and 7 th Grade U.S. History and World History

2  I live in Norco and have lived here for the last 20 years.  I am married and have 2 wonderful children. I’m very involved in my sons sports baseball and football. This is his fourth year in tackle.  I have been teaching for the last 15 years.  I started off with some of the toughest students possible and about 10 years ago I can to CNUSD.

3  You can reach me at  any time of the day or night.  You can call me at 951 736-4600 here at CHIS from 7:15 to about 2:30 pm

4  Study of Ancient Worlds  The Fall of Rome  The Spread of Islam  Japan and China  Early and West Africa  The Early Middle Ages  Aztecs, Maya and Inca Civilation

5  Early Exploration and Settlements  The English Colonies  The American Revolution  Civil War  North and South  Forming Government

6  Completion of homework, participation and class work assignments is vital to your success.  All these subjects require much reading, understanding and evaluating.  Assignments will be given each day and must be completed each day.  Homework  Any assignment not completed in class, will be done for homework.  Homework/assignments will be completed on lined paper with all questions written out and answered in complete form.  Turn work in with your name, date, period and section assignment labeled.  Obtaining homework assignments after an absence is your responsibility.  Any homework, assignments or projects that was due the day you were absent, is due the day you return.

7 Grading System  100%-90% = A  89%-80% = B  79%-70% = C  69%-60% = D  57% & below = F Grading Weighting  Exams = 5%  Quizzes = 25%  Projects = 25%  Class work = 25%  Homework = 20%

8 SShow respect to yourself, others and the classroom. CCome to school prepared (paper, textbook, pencils and completed work assignments) and give your best effort! FFollow directions the first time they are given RRaise your hand to speak and/or to leave your seat. NNo cursing, profanity or derogatory remarks. NNo drinking or eating in the classroom with the exception of water.

9  Positive affirmation  Become teachers assistant  Five (5) minutes of free time  Phone call to parents to give positive feedback about behavior and/or accomplishments.  Assignment passes

10  Non-verbal warning  Verbal Warning  Written assignment during lunch  Sixty (60) minutes of detention and phone call to parents  On campus suspension for that period.  Referral to assistant principal’s office

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