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ROME BECOMES AN EMPIRE. As people became more wealthy, they also became less productive. Fighting began to break out over land so reformers tried to split.

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2 As people became more wealthy, they also became less productive. Fighting began to break out over land so reformers tried to split it up among the people. The wealthy in the senate opposed reform and felt threatened, so they killed the reformers. There was a civil war starting because multiple generals wanted to take power.

3 Julius Caesar was a reformer who supported common people. He was not only a skilled militarily, but also a good politician an general. A man names Cicero, who was an enemy of Caesar, was also the greatest speaker in Roman history. Caesar defeated Cicero in a battle to rule Rome. Senate appointed Caesar dictator for life and not just the usual six months

4 Some people thought that Caesar was power hungry and others thought that he was a reformer. Caesar was assassinated by a group of his senators who thought that he was a power hungry tyrant. Who can tell me what a tyrant is?

5 Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew (adopted son), won the next battle to become the ruler of Rome. He received the title, Augustus, which means “exalted one” or person of great rank or authority. He preferred to be called first citizen Augustus restored aspects of a republican government, but held the final say over all of the people in it.

6 Augustus restored Rome –Buildings –Temples –Theaters –Monuments –Enhanced with marble Rome became a magnificent imperial capitol The reign of Augustus is called Pax Romana or Roman Peace

7 To help unite the empire, roads, bridges, and tunnels were built, and a navy patrol was made to protect he Mediterranean Sea Augustus set everything up so well, that even after his death, the empire continues to do well

8 The daily life of romans

9 The father was the head of the Roman household Fathers power was limited Roman society disapproved of a father punishing his family without good cause Women had much freedom

10 Women were to take care of the family and household, but also inherited land and ran the family business when the men were away Women could not vote Children had some education Boys of wealthy families went to private schools Girls learned household skills and married around the age of 14 ( boys married later)

11 Social Classes –UPPER CLASS: patricians and some wealthy plebeians –MIDDLE CLASS: prosperous business leaders and officials –LOWER CLASS: farmers –LOWEST CLASS: slaves

12 The Romans worshiped hundreds of spirits, and believed that they were in everything. Set up shrines in their homes to honor the gods who protected their households Used many of the same gods as the Greeks

13 Rome was the center of the empire Mixture of ideas and customs However it was crowded, dirty and noisy Either very poor or very wealthy

14 Inventions –Sewers and plumbing –Aqueducts ( carried fresh water) Bath houses were visited by all to bath and socialize Chariot races held at the Circus Maximus Gladiators fought at the Colossseum

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