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Financing University. Tuition fees Up to £9000 per year (x3) (Most have said they will charge the full amount) Paid directly to the institution Two choices-

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1 Financing University

2 Tuition fees Up to £9000 per year (x3) (Most have said they will charge the full amount) Paid directly to the institution Two choices- borrow the money or pay outright (!?)

3 Living costs Money can also be borrowed to help with this (paid to the student); £5,500 per year away from home £7,675 per year away from home in London £4,375 per year staying at home

4 Grants & Scholarships Income < £25k - £3,250 grant per year to help towards fees Income between £25 – 42, 600 then there is a decreasing scale of grant > £42,600 then no grant Scholarships & Bursaries – each institution will release their own information. National Scholarship Programme. Ask each University you call/visit.

5 Paying the money back Money is paid back when earning £21K + 9% of wages over £21k earnings paid back monthly (£25k pa = £30 per month) The loan is RPI linked (inflation), currently at 5.5%

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