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Dec. 26, 2004 - Thailand GLY 2030c Environmental and Engineering Geology.

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Presentation on theme: "Dec. 26, 2004 - Thailand GLY 2030c Environmental and Engineering Geology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dec. 26, 2004 - Thailand GLY 2030c Environmental and Engineering Geology

2 GLY 2030C2 Seismogram GLY 2030c Environmental and Engineering Geology Link to visualization:

3 GLY 2030C3 Story of Easter Island ~1500 yrs ago – Polynesian arrival Evolved to a complex society by 1500s Societal collapse by first European arrival – 1700s Rapid depletion of limited resources blamed for collapse Documented in book by Jared Diamond “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed”

4 GLY 2030C4 Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts Course Overview We’ll learn about Earth’s physical/chemical processes Required to assess scientific concepts with respect to social/human value judgements Book’s Organization Philosophy, physical and fundamental principles Overview of natural processes (geohazards) Minerals, energy, and environmental issues Global change and earth systems (human interactions)

5 GLY 2030C5 Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts Introduction to Environmental Geology 4.5 X 10 9 ybp -formation the solar system (Astronomical Evidence) 3 X 10 9 ybp -life begins (Fossil evidence) Many plant and animal groups rise and fall 2.6 X 10 6 ybp –hominids evolve Olduvai Gorge in Kenya and Tanzania Paranthropus boisei Stromatolites from Bolivia

6 GLY 2030C6 Geologic Time Scale (clock) Humans have been on the planet for 0.05% of Earth history. Condense Earth history to a year? Humans arrive on Dec. 31 st at 8pm Roman Empire to present – last 15 sec before midnight

7 GLY 2030C Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts Environmental geology: Applied geology Uses geologic information to assess: Natural hazards (floods, quakes, slides, etc.) Landscape/ environmental impact statement Earth materials Hydrologic processes Geologic processes Environment: the total set of circumstances surrounding an individual or community Physical Atmosphere (air), Hydrosphere (water), Geosphere (landforms) Social and cultural conditions Ethics, Economics, Aesthetics

8 GLY 2030C8 How Geologists Work: The Scientific Method Observation Hypothesis Collect data, organize, and analyze Multiple hypotheses developed to explain the data Hypothesis testing and interpretation of results Theory evolves as tests are successful Law or Theorem Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts

9 Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts Cultural Basis for Environmental Awareness Origin of our present condition lies in the past Functional categories of society significant in environmental studies For solutions - may have to look to the future Overpopulation, hazardous waste, global warming, resource depletion Industrial revolution changed human/envt. relationship: Increased population increased demand on resources and increased toxic waste Global Environmental Concerns: Developing nations are pressured to exploit resources

10 GLY 2030C10 Environmental Ethics “A crisis of survival” (Stuart Udall) Nash’s pyramid (increasing evolution of responsibility) Philosophy and Fundamental Concepts Ultimately, environmental stewardship is not about “saving the planet” – it is about preserving our own living space.

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