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The Reformation Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?

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1 The Reformation Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?

2 Causes of the Reformation Catholic Pope has influence over most European monarchs 1400s: Renaissance emphasizes secular (non-religious) ideas Printing Press (Gutenberg) made it easy to spread those ideas 1500s: Catholic Monk Martin Luther challenges corruptness of church. Luther from a German state part of the Holy Roman Empire Catholic Church sells indulgences (forgiveness) Luther writes 95 Thesis VQ: How are Luther’s ideas spread? 1. no selling indulgences 2. no purgatory 3. Write bible in people’s native language, 4. Bible is final authority, not Pope VQ: Why was Luther disgusted by his trip to Rome? VQ: How does the church use fear to sell indulgences? 95 Thesis

3 Pope forces HR Emperor Charles V to put Luther on trial Pope excommunicates Luther, his followers start new religion Protestantism, violence ensues VQ: How does Luther feel about violence in “his name” Holy Roman Empire torn apart when parts of Empire follow the new religion VQ: How do the Princes stand up to the HR Emperor? Due to Reformation, Catholic Church makes changes known as Catholic or Counter-reformation Counter ReformationReason Council of Cardinalsinvestigate the selling of indulgences Council of TrentClarify Catholic beliefs & change practices. Order of Jesuits established schools, Conversion (leads to inquisition) A New Religion

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