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Ocean Maths Lewis Turner Emma Fitzpatrick. Problem Solving and Reasoning in the National Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Maths Lewis Turner Emma Fitzpatrick. Problem Solving and Reasoning in the National Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Maths Lewis Turner Emma Fitzpatrick

2 Problem Solving and Reasoning in the National Curriculum

3 Showing Understanding by… describing it in your own words showing your thinking in different ways explaining it to someone else making up your own examples making links between your ideas recognising maths in different situations using your maths in different ways, including in new situations

4 Odd One Out Look at these four numbers. Each of them could be the odd one out for different reasons. Give a reason why each one could be the odd one out. 4 23 124 50

5 Odds and Fives Take two playing cards. Put them together in as many ways as you can. 8+3= 11 8-3= 5 8x3= 24 83 38 For every odd answer you win a point. For every answer in the 5x table you also win a point. You can adapt this to finding numbers in any times table.

6 Odds and Fives Take two playing cards. Put them together in as many ways as you can. 8+3= 11(1 point) 8-3= 5 (2 points) 8x3= 24 83(1 point) 38 Total of 4 points For every odd answer you win a point. For every answer in the 5x table you also win a point. You can adapt this to finding numbers in any times table.

7 Learning Times Tables In Year Two children are expected to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They are also expected to use arrays and repeated addition to work our multiplication and division questions. How do children learn times tables?

8 Seeing and Understanding Pattern 5 10 15 20 25 30

9 Investigation – Twos and Threes The 2 x table… 1x2=2 2x2=4 3x2=6 4x2=8 5x2=10 6x2=12 The 3 x table… 1x3=3 2x3=6 3x3=9 4x3=12 5x3=15 6x3=18

10 Linking Arithmetic to Real Life 5x3= Make it with resources and draw what you did. Think of a real life event or situation when you might see this. Make up a word problem using the calculation. Draw a picture of the word problem. Write down any words that you used/could use.

11 Practical Resources Numicon Homework Intervention Set approx £19 Deines Money

12 Ocean Maths Lewis Turner Emma Fitzpatrick

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