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Book Study 2010Book Study 2010 E-learning and the Science of Instruction| Ruth C. Clark & Richard E. Mayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Study 2010Book Study 2010 E-learning and the Science of Instruction| Ruth C. Clark & Richard E. Mayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Study 2010Book Study 2010 E-learning and the Science of Instruction| Ruth C. Clark & Richard E. Mayer

2 Research  Professional development is greatly enhanced by conducting a book study

3 Research  Deeper understanding is achieved by educators analyzing and discussing topics together.

4 Research  Book studies promote a paradigm shift: organization learning community

5 Critical Areas for a Book StudyCritical Areas for a Book Study  Organization  Preparation and Planning  Procedures  Conducting the book study  Tasks  Completing the book study

6 Organization  Select group size and members  Select location and create a schedule  Determine as a team the length of the meetings  Distribute roles for each team member

7 Book Study Group RolesBook Study Group Roles Facilitator  clarifies concepts and answers questions from the group  summarizes findings and updates the Book Study’s Wiki Recorder  Takes notes during the group’s discussion  Provides the facilitator with the notes to post the groups questions and reflection on the Book Study Wiki Time Keeper  Keeps track of time so that reflection and discussion continues within the decided time frame of no more than 1 hour. Roles should be posted during the meeting.

8 Procedure  Allocate time for discussion (no more than one hour per chapter). If discussing different sections of a chapter allow for 5 minutes per sections (for example a paragraph).  The individual responsible for facilitating a chapter will answer any questions and clarify concepts when needed.  Repeat this procedure until all chapters are discussed.

9 Procedure  Chapter Discussion  Post questions to the group  Generate additional questions if necessary  Record questions and comments and post to Wiki or Prezi Questions that can not be answered during the whole group session should be sent to Rene Ruiz

10 Group DiscussionGroup Discussion  Opportunities for discussion may involve small group and large group dynamics  Discussion opportunities are important and allow for deeper understanding of the author’s main points  Effective discussion includes, but is note limited to:  Solving actual problems or work-related challenges  Visualizing future products  Ideas for implementation

11 Reflection  The Facilitator will present a brief summary of the assigned chapter  Group members will record their thoughts at the end of the session (index cards or Wiki)  Clarify any misconceptions or confusion this chapter may present to the group  Some information may need to be revised in the next session  Reflect on the format of the session, processes, and content

12 Recording  Keep a record of the group’s:  Discussions  Questions  Answers  Problems  Solutions  Future products .Submit relevant information to Prenzi and questions to the GES Wiki

13 Contact Submit your questions to: Rene Ruiz Allow one week for questions to be answered and posted in the GES Wiki Answers to questions will be posted a the GES Wiki below: http://GES_Wiki.TBA

14 Follow-up SessionFollow-up Session  Two months after all chapters have been reviewed, the group will meet to revisit and reflect on the topic studied

15 Additional ResourceAdditional Resource  The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning

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