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Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 8 19/11/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 8 19/11/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a. 2015 – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 8 19/11/15

2 Lesson 8 1 An activity 2 An article 3 A discussion 4 A presentation Our course

3 Today is a grey, gray day…

4 a gray day by Steve Patterson Thursday, January 27, 2005 a gray day today a gray day done come my way a little bit foggy dew and rain a little bit soggy but i ain't blue whatcha' gonna' do i ain't goin' insane ain't gonna' be mundane ain't feelin' no heart pain

5 and though this day is gray i remember yesterday it was sunny skys were blue ain't it funny whatcha' gonna' do somedays are just that way and somedays are gray gotta' take the rain with the sun gotta' take the pain with the fun no need to go insane no need to run

6 ya' can't appreciate the darkness 'till it's too late can't know it's starkness until there's no light until the day is night until the day is gray until the Sun's passed away a gray day today a gray day done come my way but that's OK there's always another day


8 Observation What were the stages of that activity? What interaction patterns were involved? What was the material like? What was the preparation time v classroom time? What did the students learn?


10 Language Teaching Research (2006) 10,1;pp.3-31 The distinctive characteristics of foreign language teachers Simon Borg University of Leeds

11 Another piece of the puzzle


13 HIS



16 Commercialization (11) Status (8) Training (7) The nature of the subject (1) Teacher’s characteristics (6) Methodology (3) Non-native issues (5) Student Body (10) Errors (9) The content of teaching (2) Teacher-learner relationships (4) Full article on Moodle


18 HOMEWORK (‘cont’d) Go to Youtube and type in: ‘Observing Language Classrooms’ Make notes on the videos you watch Be prepared to discuss the material you viewed and what elements of classroom observation you discovered. Add these notes to your Course Diary

19 The teacherThe learner The classroom Classroom Observation

20 Feedback Discuss with a partner: 1.which videos you watched 2.what you thought of them 3.what you learned


22 Assignment 1 1.Find a teacher 2.Design an interview 3.Interview the teacher 4.Design an observation sheet 5.Observe the teacher (at least twice) 6.Meet the teacher for lesson feedback 7.Write up your assignment 8.Deadline Thursday 14 January 2015 The teacher


24 Notes taken from: Robson, C. (2002) Real World Research. London: Routledge. 2nd Edition Although the term 'observation' suggests watching what happens, it also includes listening; observation data are often in the form of examples of what people have said. Observation is probably the most effective way to see what people do and to hear what they say.

25 As with all research, the approach used must be ethical. Structured observation is carried out by a detached observer, using pre- determined categories.

26 As with all research, the type of observation will be determined by the research question(s). Observation will be planned to address what you want to find out and both quantitative and qualitative data can be obtained.

27 Awareness that one is being observed in any way, can affect behaviour.

28 Two basic approaches to classroom research A BIT OF BOTH

29 Free note taking Lesson 19/11/15 T. hands out homework and deals with admin issues She chats with students The atmosphere is … T uses the marker ‘Right’ to catch Ss’ attention T. opens lessons and greets students The lesson title slide is already up

30 Example of one focus Topic: Physical arrangement of the classroom the seating arrangement the location of the materials use of wall space and learning centres utilization of open space Ideas lead to questeions

31 Pre-lesson questions What is used to make the room appealing and stimulating? e.g. What’s on the walls? What is the furniture like? Where is the board? Where does the teacher sit / stand? What kinds of learning are facilitated/hindered by the arrangement of the classroom? Is there any free space?

32 Useful tools

33 Lesson 1 Teacher (T) asks a display question///3 T explains a grammatical point 0 T explains meaning of a vocabulary item0 T explains a functional point 0 T gives instructions/direction//////6 T praises/1 T criticises 0 Learner (L) asks a question///3 L answers a question////4 L talks to other L 0 Period of silence or confusion 2

34 Content Organization 1 = Not observed 2 = Rarely 3 = Often 1. Stated lesson aims clearly1 23 2. Linked lesson to previous lessons1 23 3. Presented overview of the lesson1 23 4. Presented topics with a logical sequence1 23 5. Paced lesson appropriately1 23 6. Summarized major points of lesson1 23 7. Related today’s lesson to future lessons1 23 8. Projected voice so easily heard1 23 9. Explained ideas with clarity1 23 10.Listened to Ss’ questions & comments1 23

35 Does the teacher …? How often does the teacher …? What material is used? Is technology used? Why? How often? Is the teacher following a plan? Are the students interested? OR Questions rather than tables


37 Your Observation Sheet Free note taking Your own focus



40 Write up lesson 8 in your course booklet Start designing your Observation Sheet – bring a rough (not final) copy to class next week for discussion Continue with your glossary resources/peer/instruments/index.html


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