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Definition: - Ability to affect others - Only useful when being used - Seen only in its effect - Results count - Without exerting force or formal authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition: - Ability to affect others - Only useful when being used - Seen only in its effect - Results count - Without exerting force or formal authority."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition: - Ability to affect others - Only useful when being used - Seen only in its effect - Results count - Without exerting force or formal authority - No coercion

3 Characteristics of influence: - Seeks win-win - Attentiveness to needs - Flexibility of methods Steps to use influence: - Identify the problem - Create a vision of the solution - Implement the proposal - Follow-up to evaluate progress

4 Steps to use influence: - Identify the problem - Many may not see it as a problem - Create a vision of the solution - Listen to all stakeholders - Synergize with other influence leaders - Persuade stakeholders to be part of the solution - Use emotions and logic - Follow-up to evaluate progress - Have clear definitions of success - Follow set deadlines

5 Types of audiences: 1) Openly hostile 2) Unfriendly 3) Neutral 4) Undecided 5) Uniformed 6) Supportive 7) Active fans

6 Dealing with different of audiences: 1) Openly hostile - Deactivate the attacks - Begin with ice-breaking - Emphasize areas of agreement - Work with their chosen experts 2) Unfriendly - Seek neutrality - Emphasize areas of agreement - Work with their chosen experts - Use real-life examples - Admit areas of disagreement - Don’t spend much time on them - Seek empathy for those you will help

7 Dealing with different of audiences: 3) Neutral - Seek Support - Link their interests with your idea - Emphasize the core of your idea - Share vivid positive claims - Use familiar examples 4) Undecided - Seek Some Support - Emphasize the positives of your idea - Use testimony from their champions - Use forceful quotes from experts they appreciate - Use familiar, emotional examples - Emphasize parts of the idea they like

8 Dealing with different of audiences: 5) Uniformed - Seek to share knowledge and views - Stress your credentials - Discuss your side - Invite feedback and questions - Review your outline - Keep their attention - Respect their intelligence

9 Dealing with different of audiences: 6) Supportive - Strengthen and encourage activity - Emphasize needs - Reinforce commitment - Give many positive stories - Stress group identity - Strengthen them for trials 7) Active fans - Fire them up - Everyone share successes - Focus on new goals - Get them to stay working within the group

10 Cohen-Bradford Influence Model  Assume that everyone can help you.  Prioritize objectives.  Understand the other person's situation.  Identify what matters; to you and to them.  Analyze relationship.  Make the "exchange."

11 The Third Way Model  Ask “Are you willing to seek a better solution.”  Listen attentively to what they have to say.  Do not stop until you truly understand their view  Ask them to attentively listen to you.  Do not stop until they truly understand your view.  Discuss many possible solutions.  Continue talking until a better way is found.  Do not stop until you are both pleased.  Continue dialog as you implement the solution.

12 I Choose Self Improvement Model - Work to improve all these avenues of influence  Legitimate: Based on your role and duties  Referent: Based on your values  Expert: Based on your experience  Information: Based on information you have  Reward: Based on the rewards you can give  Connection: Based on who agrees with you

13 Suggestions from the ListVerse Model  Ask for favours  Ask for more than you expect  Use the person’s name often  Reinforce their correct bias  Mirror their behaviour  Start with simple requests they will grant  Do not correct them unnecessarily  Paraphrase what people said  Nod while asking

14 Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence  Reciprocity  Show you will give and take  Commitment  Show you are committed  Social Proof  Show that others are doing it  Liking  Show yourself likeable  Authority  Show you have legitimate authority to ask this  Scarcity  Show that opportunities like this are scarce

15 Building your influence  Know when to be silent  Find the best time to speak  Improve your environment  Seek mentors  Seek to influence leaders  Seek to support others in their roles  Use positive body language  Spread positive words  Project confidence  Do dramatic things  Deliver regular reports

16 Maximizing your influence  Wrestle with God in prayer  Understand the role God has given you  Spend most of your time on major needs  Get others to emphasize your message  Give others credit

17 "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any" - Alice Walker. “Whoever wants to become the leader, must become the servant of all.” - Jesus Christ “He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged.” - Benjamin Franklin

18 Continually improve Continually build influence Continually ask for support

19 Special thanks to: ster_Guide/Advanced%20Pathfinder%20Leadership%20Award.pdf Thanks to: to-influence-people/ (6:50-8:50 am, December 21, 2014)

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