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May 6, 2009 Browser Compatibility Testing Definition It is a non functional type of testing where web based applications are tested on various browsers(IE.

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Presentation on theme: "May 6, 2009 Browser Compatibility Testing Definition It is a non functional type of testing where web based applications are tested on various browsers(IE."— Presentation transcript:


2 May 6, 2009 Browser Compatibility Testing Definition It is a non functional type of testing where web based applications are tested on various browsers(IE 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape) across different Operating Systems like Windows Series (98,NT,XP,Vista,7), MAC, Linux etc. Goal of Browser Compatibility Testing The goal of Browser Compatibility Test is that a website can be used by the largest possible audience, with minimal variation in the user- experience. Hence, a web page should ideally look and work the same in all web browsers. The unique challenge of achieving this goal lies in the nature of the medium itself.

3 May 6, 2009 Importance of Browser Compatibility Test Testing the cross-browser compatibility of your website is something each website owner should do. Although you have your own preferred browser, your website visitors may not be using the same web browser as you.  While redesigning an existing website, you could look at the website stats for your website and see which browsers (and operating systems) the past visitors have been using. This is an exercise to show you what browser your website visitors are using.  A safe policy to have is that each web page is viewable in as many browsers as possible.

4 May 6, 2009 Role of developer in ensuring Cross Browser Compatibility As different web browsers are created by different organisations, user- interface enhancements (convenient ways of interacting with content or services), may be added to one web browser and not another. The designer/developer must then devise a strategy that accounts for this possible variation to ensure that a website can still be used without the enhancement; or only use features that are supported by ‘all’ browsers.

5 May 6, 2009 5 Points to be noted by developers To create a cross-browser compatible website: 1. Use only standard compliant coding. 2.Don't use browser specific (proprietory) HTML tags and features. These only work in the browser they were created for and may even break your web page when viewed in another browser. 3.Validate your web pages in the below ways a] Validate your HTML/XHTML coding using the W3C free validation service. b] Validate your cascade style sheets using the W3C free validation service. 4.Some have the "You can't please everyone" attitude. Yes, your site will look different in each browser because each one interprets the coding differently. The goal with cross-browser compatibility is to make your site viewable in the major browsers available and have the pages render correctly. One thing that will drive visitors away is a site that doesn't work in their chosen browser.

6 May 6, 2009 Commonly faced issues in cross browsers 1.Drop downs appear to be disabled and non functional. 2.The radio buttons are not visible. 3.Certain images appear out of place. 4.Alignment of certain web pages appear to be distorted. 5.Some text boxes appear out of shape. 6.Irregularities in formatting. 7.Specific files sometimes does not open up in certain Browser and OS combinations. 8.Video files with certain extensions (eg. mkv) does not open up in certain Browser and OS combinations.

7 May 6, 2009 Tools available for cross browser compatibility tests Browsershots Browsershots is a free and most popular cross-platform multiple browsers compatibility test utility for web designers. Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. In Browsershots database are included all most popular browsers and you easily can check how your website looks in all browsers and OS platforms. Browser Sandbox Created by, this page allows you run different browsers including IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera right from your browser. Netrenderer IE NetRenderer is free browsers compatibility tester. With IE NetRenderer you can check how a website is rendered by different versions of Internet Explorer. After beta testing, very soon in IE NetRenderer will be integrated newest version of IE – IE9 and you will be able to see does your website shows errors in this browser.

8 May 6, 2009 Cont..... Browsrcamp Browsrcamp allows you to test the compatibility of your design with Mac OS X browsers. If you dont want spend money you can check compatibility of your design with Safari 3.1.2. Fundisom Fundisom is Mac screenshot generator that lets you see your site on a Macintosh G5 in Safari, MacIE or Mozilla.

9 May 6, 2009 9 Advantages of Browser Compatibility Testing 1. Applications can be made user friendly in terms of look and feel as the browser choice of people can vary all over the world. 2.Any alignment related issues can be detected earlier if Compatibility Tests are done. 3.Spending a few hours in browser compatibility testing of web based applications ensures that the application is easy on the eye to the end user who are not aware of the technicalities.

10 May 6, 2009 10 Glossary 1. W3C :The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW or W3). 2.W3C Free Validation Service: W3C Free Validation Service:Also known as the Markup Validation Service is a validator by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows Internet users to check HTML and XHTML documents for well-formed markup. Markup validation is an important step towards ensuring the technical quality of web pages; however, is not a complete measure of Web standards conformance.

11 Thank You

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