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LegoTech on Tour Hi, I am Cindy your tourguide.. We all know this situation: nothing happening online and going out for some healthy activity is just.

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Presentation on theme: "LegoTech on Tour Hi, I am Cindy your tourguide.. We all know this situation: nothing happening online and going out for some healthy activity is just."— Presentation transcript:

1 LegoTech on Tour Hi, I am Cindy your tourguide.

2 We all know this situation: nothing happening online and going out for some healthy activity is just a bit too much activity.

3 So when it gets really boring there is nothing better than meeting some friends.... who know how to waste time and health :)

4 Note: Jim with the green stuff :)

5 Ok, so we are packed and ready to go:

6 Step 1 - Unpack the Paper and get the tobacco out of the cigarette (moisture will help)

7 Step 2 - Put some Tobacco on the paper and make a little roll for the mouth piece

8 Step 3 - Now it comes to the all important marijuana :) just put as much as you like on the tobacco (more is more ;)

9 Step 4 - Now grip the entire thing and roll it in your fingers until it all forms a kind roll

10 Step 5 - The hardest part is the actual rolling. But it is solvable right ?! ;)

11 Step 6 - Now just rip of the left over paper (when you roll inside-out)

12 ... CAREFULL, handling will make it better...

13 Now take a deep breath and feel the force :)

14 Now take another deep breath and feel the force :)

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